Dr Silke N. Haarich
analyst & policy adviser
+49 176 538 460 30
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Dr Silke N. Haarich is analyst and policy adviser at Spatial Foresight since 2012. She studied Spatial Planning (Dortmund, Germany) and Economics (University of the Basque Country/Bilbao, Spain).
She specialises in strategy design and evaluation of development programmes, especially in the field of cohesion policy, regional development, and innovation. She has worked in the evaluation of EU Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund programmes ever since 1994-1999. Silke has worked for numerous INTERREG programmes and is an expert in transnational and cross-border governance and cooperation. Silke has worked many years in policy consultancy in Spain and different European countries (at INFYDE, SL) as well as in many Latin-American countries. Living from 1998-2012 in Bilbao, she followed the Guggenheim Effect at close range.
Silke is a passionate reader, loves the wide variety of Spanish and American cultures and adores Mexican food and Basque cuisine. On egin!
Schuh, B., Zillmer, S., Haarich, S., Hagemann, K., Marinović, P., Mäder Furtado, M., Trovalusci, F., Carangelo, E., Stumm, T. (2025): Handbook on Cross-border Energy Communities. European Commission, DG Regio, Brussels. Download.
Haarich, S. N., Zillmer, S., Hagemann, K. (2024): Evaluierung von REACT-EU im Rahmen des OP EFRE NRW 2014-2020. Im Auftrag des Ministeriums für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. Download.
Haarich, S. N., Zillmer, S., Schuh, B, Hagemann, K. (2024): Evaluierung von REACT-EU im Rahmen des Operationellen Programms für den Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) in Rheinland-Pfalz, Förderperiode 2014-2020. Im Auftrag des Ministeriums für Wirtschaft, Verkehr, Landwirtschaft und Weinbau des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz. Download.
Haarich, Silke (2024) Getting Inspired by Contribution Analysis. Impact Evaluation of the European Commission’s Social Business Initiative. In: Zeitschrift für Evaluation 2/2024, ++- 206-230
Project management for the EISMEA study on "Benchmarking the socio-economic performance of the EU social economy – Improving the socio-economic knowledge of the proximity and social economy ecosystem." 2023-2024. Download.
Zillmer, S., Ivanov, B., Haarich, S., Spule, S., Szolnoki, N., Carlberg, M., Zejerman, I., Gaugitsch, R., Amann, S. (2023). Early implementation of four 2021-2027 EU programmes: Erasmus +, Creative Europe, European Solidarity Corps, and Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (Strand 3). Brussels: European Parliament. Download.
Zillmer, S., Haarich, S., Spule, S., Gramillano, A., Casamassima, C., Hrelja, D., Iacob, A., Gerstner, S., Stumm, T., Schürmann, C. (2022). Cross-border public services: Case study collection. Download.
Haarich, S. and Kirchmayr-Novak, S., Bioeconomy strategy development in EU regions, Sanchez Lopez, J., Borzacchiello, M.T. and Avraamides, M. editor(s), Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2022, ISBN 978-92-76-50040-7, doi:10.2760/15613, JRC128740. Publications Office of the European Union JRC128740, 978-92-76-49341-9 (online) , 978-92-76-50040-7 (print), OP KJ-01-22-162-EN-N (online) , OP KJ-01-22-162-EN-C (print). Download.
Haarich, S. (2022): Study on providing public transport in cross-border regions – Mapping of existing services and legal obstacles. Case Study report Bus line Verín (Spain) – Arcos de Valdevez (Portugal). European Commission, DG Regio, Brussels. Study on providing public transport in cross-border regions - Publications Office of the EU (europa.eu)
Haarich, S. (2021): Study on providing public transport in cross-border regions – Mapping of existing services and legal obstacles. Case Study report Rail link Entroncamento (Portugal) – Badajoz (Spain). European Commission, DG Regio, Brussels. Study on providing public transport in cross-border regions - Publications Office of the EU (europa.eu)
Haarich, S., Holstein, F., Spule, S., Galera, G., Franchini, B., Borzaga, C., Chiomento, S., Spiess-Knafl, W., Scheck, B., Salvatori, G. (2020). Impact of the European Commission’s Social Business Initiative (SBI) and its Follow-up Actions. Study for DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission. Download.
Doussineau, M., Gnamus, A., Gomez Prieto, J., Haarich, S. & Holstein, F. (2020), Smart Specialisation and Blue biotechnology in Europe, EU Joint Research Centre. Download.
Alessandrini, M. Celotti, P. Nespeca, G., Haarich, S., Lüer, C. Zillmer, S., Dallhammer, E., Derszniak-Noirjean, M., Parsilova, M. & Tarantino, S. (2020). Assessing the need for modification of the state aid rules for the phasing-out of coal. European Committee of the Regions, Brussels. Download.
Haarich, N., S., Salvatori, G., Toptsidou, M. (2019), Evaluating Interreg programmes. The challenge of demonstrating results and value of European Territorial Cooperation. Spatial Foresight Brief 2019:10. Luxembourg. www.spatialforesight.eu. Download.
Haarich, Silke (2018): Building a new tool to evaluate networks and multi-stakeholder governance systems. Evaluation. Vol 24, Issue 2, 2018. First published April 16, 2018.
Plaza, B. and Haarich, S.N. (2017): Arts, Culture and Creativity as Drivers for Territorial Development, Innovation and Competitiveness. In: Ateca-Amestoy, V.M.; Ginsburgh, V.; Mazza, I.; O'Hagan, J.; Prieto-Rodriguez, J. (eds.): Enhancing Participation in the Arts in the EU: Challenges and Methods. Springer International Publishing.
Haarich, S. (2017). Bioeconomy development in EU regions. Mapping of EU Member States’/regions’ Research and Innovation plans & Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) on Bioeconomy for 2014-2020. Work done by: Spatial Foresight, SWECO, ÖIR, t33, Nordregio, Berman Group, Infyde. Coordinating researcher and editor: Silke Haarich. Download.
Lüer, C., Schürmann, C., Harmsen, J., Fransen, R., Haarich, S., Holstein, F., Lebesque, L., Zillmer, S., Zwicky, A. (2017): Studien zum Interreg-Projekt EUREGIO Güterkorridor / EUREGIO Goederencorridor. Endfassung des Abschlussberichts. Gronau: EUREGIO. Download.
Lüer, C., Schürmann, C., Harmsen, J., Fransen, R., Haarich, S., Holstein, F., Lebesque, L., Zillmer, S., Zwicky, A. (2017): Studies betreffende het Interreg-project EUREGIO Güterkorridor / EUREGIO Goederencorridor. Definitieve versie van het eindverslag. Gronau: EUREGIO. Download.
Zillmer, S., Haarich S., Holstein, F., Toptsidou, M., Le Moglie, P. (2017) Implementation of the Decision and the Framework on SGEIs: involvement of LRAs in the reporting exercise and state of play as regards the assessment of social services as economic activities. European Committee of the Regions. Download.
Haarich, S., Zillmer, S., Holstein, F., Montán, A., Wergles, N., Toptsidou, M., Gorny, H., Brkanovic, S., Celotti, P. (2017), Entrepreneurship on islands and other peripheral regions. European Committee of the Regions. Download.
Toptsidou, M., Böhme, K., Gløersen, E., Haarich, S. & Hans, S. (2017). Added Value of macro-regional strategies. Interact Programme. Download.
Haarich, S. N. (2016). Evaluation of Capacities in Multi-level Governance Networks: the GOCAPASS Tool. In Dotti, N. F., (ed.), (2016), Learning from implementation and evaluation of the EU Cohesion Policy: Lessons from a research-policy dialogue. RSA Research Network on Cohesion Policy. Brussels. Download.
Gløersen, E., Drăgulin, M., Haarich, S., Zillmer, S., Holstein, F., Lüer, C. & Hans, S. (2016). Services of General Interest in the Funding Period 2014-2020. European Parliament. Policy Department B: Structural and Cohesion Policies. Download.
Haarich, S. (2016). The GOA tool - assessment of macro regional governance systems. (Spatial Foresight Brief No. 6). Heisdorf: Spatial Foresight. Download.
Del Castillo, J., Barroeta, B., Haarich, S. & Fernandez, E. (2015). Ciudad Creativa versus Smart City – la innovación ciudadana y social versus la tecnocrática (INFYDE Working Paper Series No. 15).
Haarich, S. N. (2015). How to Evaluate Intangible Achievements in Cooperation and Governance? A New Methodology. In Challenges for the New Cohesion Policy 2014-2020. Riga, Latvia.
Plaza, B. & Haarich, S. N. (2015a). Le musée Guggenheim de Bilbao et la régénération urbaine: explorer les conditions d’un renouvellement urbain réussi. In G. Baudelle, G. Krauss, & J.-F. Polo, Musées d’art et développement territorial, pp. 45–62.
Plaza, B. & Haarich, S. N. (2015b). The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao: Between Regional Embeddedness and Global Networking. European Planning Studies, 23(8), pp. 1456–1475. Download.
Haarich, S. N. (2014). How to Measure Capacity Development? A New Tool for the Evaluation of Intangible Assets in Regional Development. In Evaluation for an Equitable Society. Dublin, Ireland.
Del Castillo, J. & Haarich, S. N. (2013). Estudio sobre el Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible cofinanciado por el FEDER en España 2014-2020: Directrices Estratégicas. Brussels: Study for the European Commission, DG REGIO.
Haarich, S. & Plaza, B. (2013). Bilbao: The Guggenheim Effect. In T. Yang & K. R. Kunzmann, Creative Cities in Practice. European and Asian Perspectives, pp. 29–38. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press.
Plaza, B. & Haarich, S. N. (2013). Putting a city on the Map: How the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao Changed the Position of Bilbao in Global Networks. Presented at the XXIII Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Hamburg, Germany.
Plaza, B., Haarich, S. N. & Waldron, C. M. (2013). Picasso’s Guernica: The Strength of an Art Brand in Destination e-Branding. International Journal of Arts Management, 15, pp. 53–64.
Plaza, B. & Haarich, S. N. (2012). Creative Bilbao: The Guggenheim Effect. The Journal of Urban Planning International (UPI). “Creative Cities in Europe and China“ (Chinese Edition), 27(3), pp. 11–16.
Plaza, B., Haarich, S. N. & Waldron, C. (2012). Branding Bilbao: Assessing the Role of an Art Museum in Creating a Valuable Place Brand. Presented at the ACEI 2012 17th International Conference on Cultural Economics, Kyoto, Japan.
Del Castillo, J. & Haarich, S. N. (2011a). Internacionalización y Políticas de Apoyo a las PYMEs en la Unión Europea (Primer Diálogo Público-Privado Unión Europea-América Latina ‘Inversión Extranjera Directa y PYMES’). Santiago de Chile: CEPAL / AL-Invest IV / EuroChile / EUROCHAMBRES / CAINCO / CNI.
Del Castillo, J. & Haarich, S. N. (2011b). Papel de los parques científicos y tecnológicos en la transferencia de conocimiento. In Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo, Informe CYD 2011. Monografía. La transferencia de tecnología y conocimiento universidad-empresa en España: estado actual, retos y oportunidades.
Plaza, B. & Haarich, S. N. (2011). Picasso’s ‘Guernica’ - an Art Brand as Key Element of Destination e-Branding Strategies. Presented at the 11th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC 2011), Antwerp, Belgium.
Haarich, S. N. & Plaza, B. (2010). Das Guggenheim-Museum von Bilbao als Symbol für erfolgreichen Wandel – Legende und Wirklichkeit. In U. Altrock, T. Kuder, H. Nuissl, & D. Peters, Symbolische Orte. Planerische (De-)Konstruktionen (Vol. 19), , pp. 150–166. Berlin.
Plaza, B. & Haarich, S. N. (2010). A Guggenheim-Hermitage Museum as an Economic Engine? Some Preliminary Ingredients for Its Effectiveness. Transformations in Business and Economics, 9(2), pp. 128–138.
Haarich, S. N. (2009). Development of Evaluation Systems – Measurement and Action. In A. Fouquet & L. Méasson, L’évaluation des Politiques Publiques en Europe, Culture et Futurs. Policy and Programme Evaluation in Europe, Cultures and Prospects, pp. 153–162.
Plaza, B. & Haarich, S. N. (2009). Museums for urban regeneration? Exploring conditions for their effectiveness. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 2(3), pp. 259–271.
Plaza, B., Tironi, M. & Haarich, S. N. (2009). Bilbao’s Art Scene and the ‘Guggenheim effect’ Revisited. European Planning Studies, 17(11), pp. 1711–1729. Download.
Del Castillo, J. & Haarich, S. N. (2008). Information Systems. In J. Potter, Making Local Strategies Work. Building the Evidence Base., pp. 143–165. Paris: OECD.
Plaza, B. & Haarich, S. N. (2008a). The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao in scientific journals: Asymmetries between the American art perspective and the European regional planning viewpoint. (MPRA Paper). Munich Personal RePec Archive.
Plaza, B. & Haarich, S. N. (2008b). The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao: Reflecting the linkages between a global art museum and regional knowledge and identity. Presented at the Conference of the Regional Studies Association “Regions: The Dilemmas of Integration and Competition?, Prague, Czech Republic.
Haarich, S. N. (2007a). Desarrollo económico para todos. Diagnóstico de la situación del sistema económico-productivo de la Provincia Velasco. (Editorial Imprenta El País). Bolivia: DED – Servicio Alemán de Cooperación Social técnica en la Coordinadora Interinstitucional de la Provincia Velasco.
Haarich, S. N. (2007b). Desarrollo humano local en el oriente de Bolivia: La Chiquitania entre la universidad virtual, electrificación y desayuno escolar. Presented at the Congress organised by the Instituto Hegoa (Universidad del País Vasco) ‘Propuestas Locales para otra Globalización’, Bilbao, Spain.
Haarich, S. N., Möllers, F. & Rauland, J. (2007). El turismo en la Provincia Velasco – datos, cifras e información sobre los visitantes de San Ignacio (Editorial Imprenta El País). Bolivia: DED – Servicio Alemán de Cooperación Social técnica en la Coordinadora Interinstitucional de la Provincia Velasco.
Haarich, S. N. (2006a). Bilbaos Wandel auf Karten und Plänen. Über die Funktionen von Stadtplänen und Karten in einer sich regenerierenden Industriestadt. Raumplanung, 124, pp. 38–42.
Haarich, S. N. (2006b). Mejora de los Sistemas de Evaluación – desarrollo de la capacidad de evaluación respondiendo a la nueva demanda de la Política Regional Europea. PhD thesis. Alicante: Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.
Haarich, S. N. (2005a). Diferentes sistemas de evaluación de las Políticas Públicas en Europa: España, Alemania y los países del Este. Revista Española de Control Externo, VII(20), pp. 61–87.
Haarich, S. N. (2005b). Evaluation of local and regional strategies and projects: Evidence from Spain. Presented at the Seminar of the OCDE LEED Programme “Evaluating Local Development Strategies“, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Del Castillo, J. & Haarich, S. N. (2004). Urban renaissance, arts and culture: the Bilbao region as an innovative milieu. In R. Camagini, D. Maillat, & A. Matteaccioli, Ressources naturelles et culturelles, milieux et développement local. (GREMI VI), pp. 195–216. Université Neuchatêl: Institut de recherches économiques et regionales IRER.
Haarich, S. N. & Del Castillo, J. (2004). Development of Evaluation Systems – Evaluation Capacity Building in the Framework of the New Challenges of EU Structural Policy. Presented at the 44th European Regional Science Association conference, Porto, Portugal.
Del Castillo, J. & Haarich, S. N. (2003). La Evaluación de las Actividades de I+D+i en las Regiones Objetivo 1: Resultados y Perspectivas. In C. Ogando & B. Olga y Miranda Esclar, Evaluación de Programas e Iniciativas Comunitarias: Experiencias, Nuevas Orientaciones y Buenas Prácticas. Universidad de Valladolid.: Instituto de Estudios Europeos.
Haarich, S. N. (2003). Culture as a Means to Urban Development – the Case of Bilbao. Presented at the Cardiff – a City of Debate Programme, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
Haarich, S. N. & Del Castillo, J. (2003). Mediation, Learning, Policy Evolution? – Goal-Oriented Evaluation of the Promotion of R&D Activities and Innovation in Spanish Objective 1 Regions. Presented at the 43th European Regional Science Association conference, Jyväskylä, Finland.
Del Castillo, J. & Haarich, S. N. (2002). La Política Regional Comunitaria. El Mercado de Valores, 3(4), pp. 21–30.
Haarich, S. N. & Uyarra, E. (2002). Evaluation, Foresight and Participation as New Elements for Regional Innovation Policy Practice. Presented at the 42nd Conference of the European Regional Science Association ‘From Industry to Advanced Services – Perspectives of European Metropolitan Regions’, Dortmund, Germany.
Haarich, S. N., Uyarra, E. & Del Castillo, J. (2002). Evaluation and New Regional Innovation Policy Practices: Lessons From the Regional Innovation Strategies (RIS). Presented at the Regional Studies Association conference ‘Evaluation and EU Regional Policy’, Aix-en-Provence, France.
Haarich, S. N. & Del Castillo, J. (2001). El Proceso de Rehabilitación en el Área Metropolitana de Bilbao – La Regeneración Urbana y la Dinamización Económica. Presented at the Zaraempleo 2001: La implicación local en el empleo, Zaragoza, Spain.
Haarich, S. N. & Lenfers, E. (2000). Publicly supported cultural infrastructure and the cultural industries in Bilbao. In S. Gnad & J. Siegmann, Culture Industries in Europe: Regional Development Concepts for Private-sector Cultural Production and Services, pp. 119–125. Min. für Wirtschaft, Technologie und Verkehr des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen Düsseldorf.
Haarich, S. N. (1999). Strategic Cluster in the Basque Country. Presented at the ARGUS conference ‘Clustermangement and Cluster Policies’, Essen, Germany.
Haarich, S. N. & Lenfers, E. (1999). Publicly Supported Cultural Infrastructure and the Cultural Industries in Bilbao. Presented at the Cultural Industries in Europe, Essen, Germany.