Bernd Schuh

analyst & policy adviser
+43 699 115 163 39


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Bernd Schuh is a senior expert at Spatial Foresight since 2024. He has obtained this expertise in the fields of policy analysis of public policies with an emphasis on quantitative research and analysis applied to public policies, territorial and distributional impact analysis and simulation modelling. He has proven this capacity during more than 40 years of professional experience in the field of agriculture and EU policy. During his professional life Bernd Schuh has been involved in more than 350 projects, in a majority of them as project leader (being responsible for interdisciplinary and international teams of up to 60 colleagues and a budget of up to 2 Mio €). Being a learnt economist with a specialization in environmental and ecological economics as well as agricultural economics he has worked for decades for international institutions such as the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Committee of the Regions, UNDP and the World Bank. Especially with the European General Directorate for Agriculture he has a strong track record – having started 20 years ago in the fields of analysing and synthesizing the CAP and Rural Development. For the last four years he has been in the core team of experts within the Framework Contract No. AGRI-2017-0319 on territorial aspects of the CAP and thus involved in all assignments therein covering amongst others young farmers, social and labour conditions in agriculture, living conditions in rural areas, societal demands touched by the CAP and on-farm modernization and knowledge-base. Apart from this work for the European General Directorate for Agriculture, Bernd Schuh has conducted several projects in these fields for other institutions – e.g. within the European Research Programmes, for the EIB and National Authorities. Prior to joining the Spatial Foresight team, he has been one of the directors of a medium sized consulting company for more than ten years.


Schuh, B., Zillmer, S., Haarich, S., Hagemann, K., Marinović, P., Mäder Furtado, M., Trovalusci, F., Carangelo, E., Stumm, T. (2025): Handbook on Cross-border Energy Communities. European Commission, DG Regio, Brussels. Download.


Haarich, S. N., Zillmer, S., Schuh, B, Hagemann, K. (2024): Evaluierung von REACT-EU im Rahmen des Operationellen Programms für den Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) in Rheinland-Pfalz, Förderperiode 2014-2020. Im Auftrag des Ministeriums für Wirtschaft, Verkehr, Landwirtschaft und Weinbau des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz. Download.


Toptsidou, M., Böhme, K., Aalbu, S., Schuh, B., Dallhammer, E.m Gorny, H. & Gaugitsch, R. (2024). Cohesion policy and the single market: The cost of non-cohesion. Brussels: European Committee of the Regions. DOI:


Schuh, B.; Gaugitsch, R. (2023): TIA and the governance context - from planning to decision support; Journal for Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal; Taylor & Francis; under review
Münch, A.; Badouix, M.; Gorny, H.; Messinger, I.; Schuh, B.; Beck, M.; Bodart, S.; Van Bunnen, P. (2023): Comparative analysis of the CAP Strategic Plans and their effective contribution to the achievement of the EU objectives. Research for AGRI Committee, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Brussels. Download.
Beck, M.; Van Bunnen, P.; Deperrois, R.; Bodart, S.; Dwyer, J.; Kubinakova, K.; Mackley-Ward, H.; Mantino, F.; Schuh, B.; Münch, A.; Gorny, H. (2022): Study on the ENRD and the NRNs’ contribution to the implementation of EU Rural Development policy. European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (ed.), Brussels. Download.
Gaugitsch, R.; Messinger, I.; Neugebauer, W.; Schuh, B.; Toptsidou, M.; Böhme, K. (2022): Rural proofing – a foresight framework for resilient rural communities. European Committee of the Regions (ed.), Brussels. Download.


Münch, A.; Badouix, M.; Schuh, B.; Zillmer, S. (2022): Renovation Wave: guidance for local and regional implementation. European Committee of the Regions (ed.), Brussels. Download.


Hat, K.; Gorny, H.; Gaupp-Berghausen, M.; Schuh, B.; Barroso, S.; Hametner, M.; Urban, P.; Umpfenbach, K.; Spasova; D. (2022): EU regions in the transformation towards a climate-neutral future. Research for REGI Committee, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Brussels. Download.


Gaupp-Berghausen, M.; Schuh, B.; Münch, A.; Badouix, M.; Hat, K.; Brkanovic, S.; Dax, T.; Machold, I.; Schroll, K.; Juvančič, L.; Erjavec, E.; Rac, I.; Novak, A. (2022): The Future of the European Farming Model: Socio-economic and territorial implications of the decline in the number of farms and farmers in the EU. Research for AGRI Committee, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Brussels. Download.


Sedlacek, S.; Zekan, B.; Weismayer, C.; Gunter, U.; Schuh B. (2022): Regional sustainability and tourism carrying capacities; Journal of Cleaner Production 2022; 130624, ISSN 0959-6526. Download.


Dwyer, J.; Kubinakova, K.; Powell, J.; Micha, E.; Dunwoodie-Stirton, F.; Beck, M.; Gruev, K.; Ghysen, A.; Schuh, B.; Münch, A.; Brkanovic, S.; Gorny, H.; Mantino, F.; Forcina, B. (2022): Evaluation Sup­port Study on the Impact of Leader on Balanced Territorial Development. European Commission, DG for Agriculture and Rural Development (ed.), Brussels. Download.


Dax, T.; Schroll, K.; Machold, I.; Derszniak-Noirjean, M.; Schuh, B.; Gaupp-Berghausen, M. (2021): Land Abandonment in Mountain Areas of the EU: An Inevitable Side Effect of Farming Modernization and Neglected Threat to Sustainable Land Use. Land 2021, 10, 591. Download.


Caldeira, I.; Monserrat, C. S.; Dallhammer, E.; Schuh, B.; Gaugitsch, R. (2021): Territorial Impact Assessment Climate Targets. European Committee of the Regions (ed.), Brussels. Download.


Caldeira, I.; Monserrat, C. S.; Gilligan, C.; Dallhammer, E.; Schuh, B.; Gaugitsch, R. (2021): Cohesion as a value: the effects of EU decarbonisation initiatives on the cohesion spirit of the EU. European Committee of the Regions (ed.), Brussels. Download.

Holstein, F.; Böhme, K.; Münch, A.; Schuh, B.; Hrelja, D.; Iacob, A.; Amichetti, C. (2021): Application of the principles of partnership and multi-level governance in Cohesion Policy programming 2021-2027. European Committee of the Regions (ed.), Brussels. Download.


Andronic, C.; Derszniak-Noirjean, M.; Gaupp-Berghausen, M.; Hsiung, C.-H.; Münch, A.; Schuh, B.; Dax, T.; Machold, I.; Schroll, K.; Brkanovic, S. (2020): The challenge of land abandonment after 2020 and options for mitigating measures. Research for AGRI Committee, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Brussels. Download.


Schuh, B.; Brkanovic, S.; Gaugitsch, R.; Gorny, H.; Münch, A.; Kirchmayr-Novak, S.; Andronic, C.; Badouix, M.; Dwyer, J.; Kubinakova, K.; Khafagy, A.; Powell, J.; Micha, E.; Mantino, F.; Ghysen, A. (2020): Evaluation support study on the impact of the CAP on territorial development of rural areas. European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (ed.), Brussels. Download.


Maucorps, A.; Münch, A.; Brkanovic, S.; Schuh, B.; Dwyer, J.; Vigani, M.; Khafagy, A.; Coto Sauras, M.; Deschellette, P.; López, A.; Severini, S.; Antonioli, F. (2019): The EU farming employment: current challenges and future prospects. Research for AGRI Committee, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Brussels. Download.


Schuh, B. (2019): Indicators: The Language Everybody Speaks but Nobody Understands; EStIF 1/19; Lexxion Publ.; Download.


Traon, D.; Dachbrodt-Saaydeh, S.; Kudsk, P.; Brkanovic, S.; Schuh, B.; Gorny, H. (2018): Directive 2009/128/EC on the sustainable use of pesticides; European Parliamentary Research Service (ed.), Brussels


Alessandrini, M.; Celotti, P.; Dallhammer, E.; Gorny, H.; Schuh, B. et al. (2019): Implementing a place-based approach to EU industrial policy strategy. European Committee of Regions, Commission for Economic Policy (ed.), Brussels. Download.


Dallhammer, E.; Schuh, B.; Caldeira, I. (2018): Territorial Impact Assessment: The UK's withdrawal from the European Union; European Committee of the Regions (ed.), Brussels


Dallhammer, E.; Schuh, B.; Klobucar, S.; Damerham, O.; Caldeira, I. (2018): Cross-border territorial impact assessment: Regulation (EU) No 1302/2013 amending Regulation (EC) No 1082/2006 on a European grouping of territorial cooperation; European Committee of the Regions (ed.), Brussels


Heiden, O.; Dallhammer, E.; Schuh, B. (2017): Territorial Impact Assessment: Smart Specialisation; European Committee of the Region (ed.), Brussels


Zillmer, S.; Hans, S.; Lüer, C.; Montán, A.; Toptsidou, M.; Schuh, B.; Hsiung, Ch.-H.; Celotti, P.; Le Moglie, P. (2017): EGTC monitoring report 2016 and impacts of Schengen area crisis on the work of EGTCs; European Committee of the Regions (ed.)


Dallhammer, E.; Gorny, H.; Schuh, B.; Klobucar, S.; Babolin, I. (2017): Territorial Impact Assessment: Work-life balance directive; European Committee of the Regions (ed.), Brussels


Schuh, B.; Gorny, H.; Kaucic, J.; Kirchmayr-Novak, S.; Vigani, M.; Powell, J.; Hawketts, E. (2016): Research for AGRI Committee – The role of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy in creating rural jobs. European Parliament, Directorate General for Internal Policies, Policy Department B: Structural and Cohesion Policies Agriculture and Rural Development. Download.


Zillmer, S.; Luer, C.; Toptsidou, M.; Krzymuski, M.; Dallhammer, E.; Kintisch, M.; Schuh, B.; Celotti, P.; Colin, A.; Preku, A.; Brignani, N.; Waterhout, B.; Zonneveld, W.; Stead, D. (2015): European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation as an instrument for promotion and improvement of territorial cooperation in Europe; European Parliament's Committee on Regional Development (ed.), Brussels


Schuh, B.; Kintisch, M.; Dallhammer, E.; Preku, A.; Gløersen, E.; Toptsidou, M.; Böhme, K.; Valenza, A.; Celotti, P.; Brignani, N.; Cristino, B.; Stead, D.; Zonneveld, W.; Waterhout, B.(2015): New role of macro-regions in European Territorial Cooperation; European Parliament's Committee on Regional Development (ed.), Brussels


Schuh, B.; Dallhammer, E.; Damsgaard, E.; Stewart, E. (2012): Infrastructure for renewable energies: A factor of local and regional development; European Parliament's Committee on Regional Development (ed.), Brussels


Dallhammer, E.; Schuh, B.; Damsgaard, N.; Stewart, E. (2012): Infrastructure for renewable energies: A factor of local and regional development. Brussels


Schuh, B.; Formeyer, H.; Trimmel, H. (2011): The role of regional policy in addressing the effects of climate change in outermost regions. Brussels


Aversano-Dearborn, M.; Beiglböck, S.; Binot, R.; Böhme, K.; Bucher, H.; Dallhammer, E.; Formayer, H.; Geier, S.; Gløersen, E.; Kromp-Kolb, H.; Lutter, E.; Panwinkler, T.; Poschpischil, W.; Schmidt-Seiwert, V.; Schuh, B.; Tordy, J.; Trimmel, H.; Zillmer, S. (2011): Regional Challenges in the Perspective of 2020. Brussels


Schuh, B.; Schubert, U. (2005): Die Evaluierung von Projekten im Rahmen des Ziels der nachhaltigen Entwicklung – ein Methodenvergleich; in Priewasser R. (ed.): Dimensionen der Umweltwirtschaft; Univ.-verlag Rudolf Trauner, Linz


Schuh, B.; Schubert, U. (2004): Sustainable Development and Evaluation – An Introduction; in Hacker, R.S., Johansson, B. and Karlsson, C. (eds): Emerging Market Economies and European Integration, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar


Schuh, B. (2001): Solutions within the Existing Theoretical Framework – Environmental and Trade Policy Measures. In: Wohlmeyer, H., Quendler, T. (eds.): The WTO, Agriculture and Sustainable Development. Greenleaf Publ., Sheffield UK.


Schuh, B. (2001): Specific Case Agriculture: Agriculture – an Economic Sector which deserves Special Protection?. In: Wohlmeyer, H., Quendler, T. (eds.): The WTO, Agriculture and Sustainable Development. Greenleaf Publ., Sheffield UK.


Schuh, B.; Quendler, T. (2001): Sustainability – A Challenge for Future Economic and Social Policy. In: Wohlmeyer, H.; Quendler, T. (eds.): The WTO, Agriculture and Sustainable Development. Greenleaf Publ., Sheffield UK.


Schuh, B. (1999): Der Weltagrarmarkt und Österreichs Landwirtschaft. In: Kritische Geographie (Hrsg.): Landwirtschaft und Agrarpolitik in den 90er Jahren, Promedia, Wien.


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Maria Toptsidou

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Bernd Schuh

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