Sandra Spule
analyst & policy adviser
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Sandra Spule has joined the Heisdorf office of Spatial Foresight in 2018 as an Analyst & Policy Adviser.
Ever since graduating the University of Stockholm Sandra has been working with the EU Cohesion policy issues. She started at the management unit of an ETC programme in 1997, but in 2000 she founded her own consulting company in Riga, Latvia. For more than 20 years she has worked with public authorities, NGOs and SMEs in the Baltic Sea Region on regional and local economic development issues, appropriate policy responses and their evaluation. Presently her main focus still lies in Cohesion policy. It covers such areas as business support including social business and economy. She is happy to work for the whole Europe now.
Sandra is a regular Iyengar yoga practitioner and her best ideas usually arrive while standing on her head. Just another perspective is all that sometimes is needed.
Hausemer, P., Gorman, N., Squillante, F., Spūle, S., Mäder Furtado, M., Marinović, P., Hagemann, K., Tricarico, L., Gomes, A., Fiorentino, S. (2024): Scoping the socio-economic performance of the EU proximity economy. European Commission, European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency. Download
Zillmer, S., Ivanov, B., Haarich, S., Spule, S., Szolnoki, N., Carlberg, M., Zejerman, I., Gaugitsch, R., Amann, S. (2023). Early implementation of four 2021-2027 EU programmes: Erasmus +, Creative Europe, European Solidarity Corps, and Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (Strand 3). Brussels: European Parliament. Download.
Spūle, S., Zillmer, S., Schürmann, C., Guillermo-Ramírez, M., Nikolov, A., Peyrony, J., Viaggi, R., Tzvetanova, P. (2022). OUTREACH AND UPTAKE OF TERRITORIAL EVIDENCE: Cross-border Public Services 2.0 (CPS 2.0). Upgrade and update of the European-wide inventory on Cross-border public Services (CPS). Download.
Zillmer, S., Haarich, S., Spule, S., Gramillano, A., Casamassima, C., Hrelja, D., Iacob, A., Gerstner, S., Stumm, T., Schürmann, C. (2022). Cross-border public services: Case study collection. Download.
Zillmer, S., Hrelja, D., Toptsidou, M., Brignani, N., Spule, S. (2021). Obstacles to cross-border cooperation and integration in Western Balkan countries. Annual review of territorial governance in the Western Balkans, III, pp. 35-48. Download.
Zillmer, S., Toptsidou, M., Spule, S., Stumm, T., Hrelja, D., Brignaani, N. (2021). Analysis of cross-border obstacles between EU Member States and enlargement countries. European Commission, DG REGIO, Brussels. Download.
Haarich, S., Holstein, F., Spule, S., Galera, G., Franchini, B., Borzaga, C., Chiomento, S., Spiess-Knafl, W., Scheck, B., Salvatori, G. (2020). Impact of the European Commission’s Social Business Initiative (SBI) and its Follow-up Actions. Study for DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission. Download.