Access to affordable and quality housing for all people

Recognising the challenges the housing affordability has for a broad set of people in regions across Europe ESPON Housing4All project aims at scrutinising and understanding the nature of affordable housing provision and underlying definitions. It is examining the drivers and reasons for the housing crises in Europe’s diverse territories identifying different vulnerable groups in their spatial contexts. The project will develop a methodological framework to reflect the multidimensional causes of housing (price) development and will provide a comparable overview of EU-wide housing offers both in view of rental and selling. A pan-European statistics will be collected; a compendium of housing policies and systems and good practice examples will be elaborated. Under the leadership of Technische Universität Wien (TUW) Spatial Foresight works on the project together with the consortium partners: European Federation for Public, Cooperative and Social Housing (Belgium), Intelligent Atlas (Spain), AIE Multicriteri-MCRIT, (Spain), Metropolitan Research Institute (Hungary), Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Aalto University Foundation (Finland).


Client: ESPON

Duration: October 2023 - September 2025

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