Ex-post evaluation of Cohesion Policy crisis instruments
Cohesion Policy has played an essential role in the EU responses to these crises. By introducing a wide range of flexibilities and setting up specific crisis instruments, it allowed Members States and regions to react quickly and effectively against the effects of the pandemic and the war in neighbouring Ukraine. Work Package 12 of the ex-post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2014-2020 sets out to take stock of adjustments made to the Cohesion Policy regulatory framework and programme implementation and assess to what extent the objectives of crisis instruments have been achieved. It will provide an assessment of the uptake of crisis instruments by Member States, review which measures were selected by Member States and what was the effect on the overall implementation of programmes. In doing so, it will evaluate the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and EU added value of the crisis instruments and provide lessons learned for strengthening resilience in view of future crises. For this evaluation Spatial Foresight leads a consortium including t33, ÖIR and wiiw.
Client: European Commission, DG Regio
Duration: November 2023 - February 2025