Finalised transnational & cross-border projects


SCOs and FNLTC in practice in the IPA countries

Simplified Cost Options (SCOs) and Financing Not Linked to Costs (FNLC) are means to simplify the implementation of European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) and can contribute to a significant reduction of administrative costs. To promote these solutions in IPA (Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance) countries DG Regio has commissioned a contract to Spatial Foresight in a consortium with t33. The study analysed the development and use of SCOs and FNLC schemes in Interreg IPA cooperation programmes 2021-2027. It identified good practices and pathways to widen and improve the use of SCOs in these programmes. The analysis highlights how SCOs can be smartly combined and how programmes benefit from using not only off-the-shelf SCOs but developing programme specific ones. Decision trees for six types of cost categories and multiple examples from the ground provide support to decision-making on the potential use of SCOs. Download.


Client: European Commission, DG Regio

Duration: June 2023 - April 2024


ACTAREA workshops DE-FR border area

The German-French cross-border area has multiple and intensive cooperation structures and shall benefit from further exchange in the field of spatial planning. The BBSR (German Federal Institute for building, urban and spatial planning) initiated a study which enhanced this exchange by using the ACTAREA Web-Application developed by the ESPON Programme. The project helped improving the prerequisites for the development of cross-border strategies in the Franco-German cross-border areas of Strasbourg-Ortenau and SaarMoselle. In both areas, workshops took place to enhance the joint understanding of the respective border area and the implications for their radius of actvities. The thematic focus was specified for each area. The workshop in the cross-border area Strasbourg-Ortenau focused on labour market and housing as well as leisure. The workshop in the area of SaarMoselle had its focus on retail trade and health care services. The workshops findings are available on the ESPON website in English, German and French.


The post-event brief for the ACTAREA Workshop in the Eurodistrict Saar-Moselle is available here.
The post-event brief for the ACTAREA Workshop in the Eurodistrict Strasbourg-Ortenau is available here.


Client: BBSR - Federal Institute for Research on Building

Duration: October 2023 - May 2024


Consultation with stakeholders and citizens on the future of the Interreg Greater Region programme

Spatial Foresight led the consultation process for the Interreg VI Programme Grande Région/ Großregion Post-2027, engaging stakeholders and citizens from Luxembourg, France, Germany, and Belgium. The project gathered diverse views and ideas on cross-border cooperation needs from cooperation project actors as well as the population of the Interreg Grande Région/Großregion to inform future policies and in particular the Interreg programmes. This involved conducting a large-scale survey among the two target groups and organising a workshop to discuss the results and gather additional insights. Building on this, recommendations and new ideas were developed to inspire the preparation of the post-2027 Interreg programmes, addressing the themes covered by Interreg, the geography and characteristics of the regions, and the implementation of the programme and projects. The findings and recommendations have been compiled in a comprehensive report to inform strategic planning and legislative discussions for the post-2027 period.


Client: GECT- Autorité de Gestion Programme INTERREG V A Grande Région

Duration: May 2024 - December 2024


Interreg Euregio Meuse Rhine impact evaluation

Spatial Foresight finalised the Impact Evaluation of the 2014-2020 Interreg cross-border programme Euregio Meuse Rhine. We assessed the results achieved by the 66 projects funded by this Interreg programme, as well as their contribution to bring about change in the cross-border region. The methodologies used were a survey to finalised projects, case studies, documentary review on all finalised projects, and contribution analysis. The final report will be published by the Programme on its website. Projects brought about a large variety of results, from prototypes for innovative tools and approaches, to changed attitudes and increased competences via training programmes and a cross-border public service. For example,  under priority 2, projects supported more than 500 enterprises with grants and providing information on cross-border opportunities and stimulating entrepreneurship. Under priority axis 3 projects managed to provide information to almost 400.000 persons, 1.155 representatives of interest groups (incl. NGOs) and 827 representatives of local authorities, developing skills and changing attitudes and perspective among a fair share of them.


Client: Interreg Euregio Meuse Rhine

Duration: August 2021 - February 2024


Mapping of financial intermediaries in the Cultural and Creative Sectors

Spatial Foresight was assigned to support an EIB fi-compass assignment on the mapping of specialised financial intermediaries offering financing in the cultural and creative sectors. The project touched on the particularities of these sectors regarding their specific financing gaps. Spatial Foresight conducted the mapping of such financing products for Austria and Germany and undertook additional in-depth reviews for some of the identified financial instruments. The assignment was part of the EIB fi-compass framework contract implemented by Ernst & Young, Technopolis and t33.


Client: European Investment Bank

Duration: March 2023 – July 2023


Interreg North-West Europe Evaluation Task III

Spatial Foresight carried out the final impact evaluation of the Interreg North-West Europe Programme 2014-2020 together with t33 and EureConsult. The evaluation focused on the assessment of the project results and the contribution of the programme to its specific objectives. Other effects of interest were the processes favouring competitiveness and balanced development in the North-West Europe programme area. A detailed review of project information, case studies, a survey to projects and contribution analysis were performed to understand how the programme has generated impact and benefits. This evaluation was part of the overall framework contract “Implementation of an integrated evaluation approach within the framework of a robust North-West Europe evaluation system”. Download.


Client: INTERREG North-West Europe

Duration: September 2022 – November 2023


EUSAIR Facility Point - Action Plan Revision

The EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) works according to an Action Plan is updated revised regularly. The aim of the Action Plan is to go from ‘words to actions’ by identifying the concrete priorities for the macro-region. Spatial Foresight supported the EUSAIR Facility Point and the Thematic Steering Groups in developing a first draft of a new EUSAIR Action Plan will cover the time period towards 2034 with a long-term perspective towards 2050.


Client: EUSAIR Facility Point

Duration: March 2023 - July 2023


2nd impact evaluation Interreg Greater Region

Spatial Foresight has contributed to the second impact evaluation of the Interreg V A Greater Region Programme. This is the follow-up of a first impact evaluation, which was produced in 2018 with Spatial Foresight as lead partner. The evaluation covered all priority axes, project and micro-projects, updates of result indicators, an assessment of outreach activities and an analysis of the implementation of horizontal principles. 10 “theories of change” were elaborated, one for each specific objective and priority axis. They describe how short and medium-term changes may contribute to the achievement of a desired future state in the cooperation area on the medium to long term. Contributions of individual projects to these short and medium-term changes were identified and assessed. The analysis fed into the design and implementation of the forthcoming Interreg VI A Greater Region Programme. The project was led by Eureconsult. Agence RUP was in charge of outreach-related aspects. Download.


Client: Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning

Duration: May 2022 - December 2022



Alpine Space Evaluation

Spatial Foresight supported the Alpine Space Interreg VB programme by conducting an impact assessment of the programme. Impacts of all four programme priorities were assessed and lessons for future programme design and management gathered. The evaluation was coordinated by t33 and was implemented in two phases between 2019 and 2022. The assessment was based on the analysis of project benefits, contribution analysis, interviews, surveys and case studies. Spatial Foresight was responsible for evaluating the relationships between the Interreg Alpine Space programme and the EUSALP macroregional strategy. Download.


Client: Alpine Space Interreg VB programme

Duration: May 2019 - December 2022



ADRION operational and impact evaluation

Spatial Foresight, in a consortium led by t33, contributed to the evaluation of the Interreg ADRION 2014-2020 Cooperation Programme. Different evaluation reports elaborated between 2020 and 2022 provided evidence and recommendations concerning the governance and management structure as well as the communication strategy, the implementation of the Programme (operational evaluation) and the achievement of its strategic goals (impact evaluation). Spatial Foresight contributed to the impact evaluation, assessing the effects of the Programme. Spatial Foresight also examined the contribution of the Programme to EUSAIR (European Macroregional Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region).


Client: Interreg ADRION Programme Managing Authority

Duration: December 2019 - December 2022

Interreg Upper Rhine impact evaluation

Spatial Foresight conducted impact evaluations on three Specific Objectives of the Upper Rhine Interreg programme (2014-2020), together with Reeleaf B.V. from the Netherlands. From October 2021 to December 2022, we assessed the contribution to impact made in three Specific Objectives of the programme, namely SO 6: reducing environmental impact of economic and settlement development, SO 7: limiting the increase of motorised cross-border traffic and SO 11: Improvement of cross-border public services. The methodology of the impact evaluation was theory-based. Covering the analysis of documents, desk research and interviews with project partners and beneficiaries.


Client: Direction du Rayonnement Transfrontalier, International et de l'Europe, Région Grand Est

Duration: October 2021 - December 2022

Advancing financial support to sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean

Spatial Foresight developed for NECSTouR, the network of European Regions for sustainable and competitive tourism, the handbook "How to use EU funding for sustainable tourism: Handbook for Local and Regional Authorities and tourism stakeholders in the Mediterranean". The Handbook is part of NECSTouR's capitalisation activities for the INTERREG MED Sustainable Tourism Community. The Handbook shall inform public authorities and tourism stakeholders in the Mediterranean about funding opportunities for projects contributing to sustainable tourism using two of the most important EU funding instruments, the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the years 2022-2027. The guidance aims to inspire and advise readers to best prepare for absorbing these funds at regional and local levels. It is available online.


Client: NECSTouR

Duration: October 2021 - October 2022


Update of the VASAB Long-Term Perspective

Spatial Foresight supported VASAB in its update of the VASAB Long-Term Perspective. In view of current challenges and trends at global and Baltic Sea Region level, VASAB's Long-Term Perspective has been updated to support different stakeholders in the Baltic Sea Region in policy making to cope with challenges and better prepare for the future. The update process was open, participatory and co-creative engaging stakeholders at different levels. The process has been carried out together with Nordregio.

The final results are available at


Client: VASAB

Duration: February 2021 - December 2022

Interreg Channel evaluation

Spatial Foresight, in a consortium lead by t33, will contribute to evaluation of the Interreg Channel programme between French and English regions. The evaluation encompasses the implementation and impact of this cross-border cooperation programme. The project team will assist the programme with establishing the best methodology for conducting the implementation evaluation, with quality reviewing the results of the evaluation, and with the assessment of the feasibility of some of the proposals for improving implementation. In the impact evaluation the extent to which the programme has achieved the intended change  on the programme area will be assessed through quantitative and qualitative methods. Furthermore, the future of cooperation between stakeholders in the France Channel England Programme area after the UK’s exit from the EU will be explored.


Client: Norfolk County Council
Duration: August 2017 - October 2022

Cohesion Policy in European northernmost regions in Sweden and Finland

The European Parliament has asked Spatial Foresight to produce a report on Cohesion Policy in European northernmost regions in Sweden and Finland. The report focused on the achievements of cohesion policy and how it has been adapted to the specificities of these regions. It also encompasses possible synergies/overlaps between the Structural and Cohesion Funds and other EU instruments used to support economic activity, the contribution of cohesion policy to tackling climate change at regional level and the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the implementation of cohesion policy.


Client: European Parliament

Duration: February 2022 - April 2022

Interreg Greater Region programme drafting

Spatial Foresight elaborated the cross-border Interreg Programme of the Greater Region for the 2021-2027 programming period together with Eureconsult. The project, led by Dr Thomas Stumm, included the drafting of a strategy based on the strategic objectives of the programme partners, with the definition of priority axes, policy objectives and specific objectives and the elaboration of a system of output and result indicators. The project team also elaborated intervention logics and strategies to take proper account of horizontal objectives.


Client: CGET Interreg Greater Region

Duration: November 2020 - December 2021

NWE Territorial analysis and programme drafting

The main objective of this project was to carry out the territorial analysis of the NWE area in preparing for the 2021-2027 cooperation programme. The analysis focused on potential strengths and needs that could be tackled by the future programme and taking into account the legal framework of the draft EC regulations (ERDF and ETC) and the economic and social situation of the NWE area. Particular attention was given to the changes in view of the Brexit and other territorial changes of the NWE programme area. The territorial analysis is available here.


After successful completion of the territorial analysis, Spatial Foresight was asked to continue its services and facilitate programme authorities in the development of the 2021-27 cooperation programme. This includes inter alia the formulation of priorities and development of a relevant indicator system. Please, find more information on the project here.



Duration: February 2020 - July 2022

Territorial scenarios for the Danube and Adriatic Ionian macro-regions

Spatial Foresight had the lead for the ESPON project on Territorial Scenarios for the Danube and the Adriatic-Ionian macro-regions in 2050. The project analysed and looked into relevant trends and developments. Based on that it develop baseline and alternative territorial scenarios for the two macro-regions. The scenario development was based on territorial foresight and a thorough co-creation process with players of the two macro-regions thoughout the whole process. The project was carried out together with CDUT, IPoP, AEBR Western Balkans, CESCI, Co-Plan and Franziska Sielker.


The project reports are availabel at

Summary blog posts are available



Duration: Duration: May 2021 - May 2022

Impact evaluation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region

Spatial Foresight conducted the policy/impact evaluation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR). We assessed main instruments (tools) and activities (processes) of the Strategy aiming to estimate its potential in the following three main areas of interest: (A) Implementation, (B) Impact and (C) Communication. The main documents in the focus of this evaluation were the revised Action Plan 2020, the Guidance Paper for Embedding of the EUSDR into EU Programmes and the EUSDR Communication Strategy. The work was carried out in close cooperation with the Danube Strategy Point (DSP), Priority Area Coordinators (PACs), National Coordinators (NCs) and the steering group for evaluation (SG DANUVAL). We collaborated with Dr Franziska Sielker. Within the overall positive evaluation context a few general recommendations were made to increase efficiency of the Strategy and maximise impacts and contributions to wider policy objectives.


Client: Danube Strategy Point

Duration: August 2021 - May 2022

Implementation recommendations and mapping of the Greater Region Spatial Development Scheme (SDTGR/REKGR)

Spatial Foresight was contracted by the Luxembourg Ministry of Energy and for Spatial planning to develop implementation recommendations and maps for the SDTGR/REKGR. The SDTGR/REKGR (Spatial Development Scheme of the Greater Region) is the result of a four year long work process between national and regional ministries and authorities of the Greater Region (Link: It includes 45 operative measures that will ease or erase cross-border obstacles and will allow to coordinate future public actions in the Greater Region. The Greater Region is a cross-border area between Luxembourg, Belgium, France and Germany. The awareness that cross-border cooperation is a must and not a luxury, has resulted in many institutionalised forms of cross-border exchange formats and platforms where public as well as private players have the possibility coordinate. With this project, Spatial Foresight supported the implementation of the 45 operative measures that have been developed by the SDTGR/REKGR stakeholders. With the development of the maps, we also provided an understanding of what territories of the Greater Region were eventually affected by the implementation of the operative measures.


Client: Luxembourg Ministry of Energy and for Spatial Planning
Duration: November 2021 - December 2021

Cross-border obstacles between EU Member States and Enlargement Countries

Cross-border obstacles hinder cross-border activities of citizens and businesses, within the EU but also with neighbouring countries. Spatial Foresight, in cooperation with t33 and EureConsult, were awarded a DG REGIO study that looks into these obstacles at EU external borders neighbouring enlargement countries. The study has a strong geographical focus on Southeastern Europe. Apart from developing a comprehensive review of these obstacles the study provides orientation on how to address those that matter most in future IPA-CBC programmes. For this purpose the project team carries out several case studies, provided insights to successful practices overcoming obstacles and provided recommendations for the Member States involved in IPA-CBC programmes.


The final report can be downloaded here and read our blog post here.


Client: European Commission, DG REGIO

Duration: December 2020 - August 2021

ESPON Quality of Life Spin-Off
In a recent research project ESPON has developed ways to better understand and map Territorial Quality of Life. The ESPON approach allows to capture and map the quality of life for a place featuring the perception and preferences of its citizens. It also allows for benchmarking places based on more tailored comparisons and diving deeper into a selected territory. The key to are ‘Territorial Quality of Life Living Labs’. They are policy innovation milieus where experts from competent and trusted institutions work together with citizens. In cooperation they define quality of life along a predefined set of fields. The spin-off further developed this approach and tested it in the national functional cross-border region of Coastal–Karst Statistical Region in Slovenia, County of Istria in Croatia and Trieste in Italy. Spatial Foresight supported the team – led by Isinnova – in turning the results of the of the ESPON Quality of Life research into a policy brief for the Slovenian EU Presidency.
The final ESPON Policy Brief"Quality of Life for territorial and citizen-centric policie" is available here.


Client: ESPON

Duration: July - November 2021


Multi-level Governance Agenda for blue growth and spatial planning in the Baltic Sea Region

The Interreg project 'Land Sea Act' developed as final result a new Multi-level Governance Agenda for blue growth and spatial planning in the Baltic Sea Region. Spatial Foresight supported this process with peer reviews of the agenda text and the moderation of a transnational expert workshop.


Client: Latvian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development
Duration: September 2021 - December 2021

Green Growth in the Alps II

Spatial Foresight was part of the winning Consortium with blue! (leadpartner) and CIPRA for a project contracted by the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) in support of the sector development of the Green Economy in the Alps. The project built on the Action Programme for a Green Economy that has been elaborated by the Consortium. Spatial Foresight contributed especially to the sector analysis of the Green Economy in the Alps and the preparation of stakeholder activation for their involvement.

One of the results of the projects concerns an assessment on the impact of COVID-19 on economies in the Alpine region. Click here to read the report.


Client: Umweltbundesamt - German Federal Environmental Agency
Duration: January 2019 - December 2020


Interreg Euregio Meuse-Rhine implementation evaluation

Spatial Foresight performed an implementation evaluation of the Interreg Euregio Meuse-Rhine cooperation programme 2014-20. The evaluation focused on programme processes and requirements for applicants and project reporting. The assessment aimed to help programme authorities to identify possible elements to improve in the current programming period and to draw lessons for the future 2021-2027 programme. Final evaluation findings were presented and discussed in the Monitoring Committee in February 2021.



Client: Interreg Euregio Meuse-Rhine
Duration: May - December 2020

Interreg Baltic Sea evaluation

Spatial Foresight carried out the Study "Monitoring of the state of institutional capacity in the region and mid-term evaluation of Programme impact" by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020. The study covered two main tasks: 1) monitoring of the state of institutional capacity in the Baltic Sea Region in 2018 and in 2020 up-dating the situation of the result indicators defined by the Programme, and 2) the mid-term evaluation of the impact of the Programme. For the monitoring and the evaluation different methods such as documentary review, interviews, surveys, focus groups and case study analysis were used.


Client: INTERREG Baltic Sea Region
Duration: February 2018 - November 2018, Up-date in 2020

Socioeconomic analysis of the French-Belgium border region

Spatial Foresight supported the Interreg Programma France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen in their development of the 2021-2027 cooperation programme by performing a socioeconomic analysis of the cross-border region. The socioeconomic analysis supported the selection of future programme priorities and specific objectives. Therefore the analysis focused on the specific strengths, weaknesses, treats and opportunities with regards to cross-border cooperation needs and possibilities. The analysis was based on document studies and statistical analysis.


Client: Joint Secretariat of the Interreg programme France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen
Duration:November 2019 - February 2020

Analysis of the cooperation area of the future Interreg VI Grande Région programme

As part of the preparation of the future Interreg VI Greater Region (Grande Région) cooperation programme, the Managing Authority selected Spatial Foresight and Eureconsult to carry out a socio-economic analysis of the cooperation area. The study provided an overview of economic, social and territorial disparities that characterise the cooperation area, in order to enable the partner authorities responsible for drawing up the future programme to have access to in-depth and up-to-date evidence. This evidence is used to develop the programming strategy, including the selection of strategic objectives by partner authorities. Particular attention was paid to common investment needs.


Client: Interreg VA Grande Région
Duration: June 2019 - February 2020

Territorial scenarios for the Baltic Sea Region

The aim of the ESPON project was to produce trend analysis and territorial scenarios for the Baltic Sea Region. Key topics to be addressed under various policies related to the Baltic Sea Region’s territorial development were identified and the role of the Baltic Sea Region in a larger European and global context was in focus. Spatial Foresight was responsible for the development of the two territorial scenarios. The project was led by Nordregio and the team includes besides Spatial Foresight also Spiekermann & Wegener Urban and Regional Research and the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organisation Polish Academy of Sciences.


The final report of the study can be downloaded here.


Duration: November 2018 - April 2020

Interreg Central Europe Evaluation

Spatial Foresight was awarded the operational evaluation of the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 2014 - 2020 Programme. Supported by t33, Spatial Foresight evaluated the effectiveness and efficiency of programme management and implementation, appraised the appropriate functioning of the programme management settings, and carried out a first assessment of the Programme's mid-term progress towards the achievement of its objectives. An effective method mix was applied, consisting of desk research, in-depth interviews with programme stakeholders, a participatory action research and co-design approach to the evaluation of programme management settings and processes and a systemic approach to the assessment of the programme's governance structures.


Client: Interreg Central Europe Programme
Duration: July 2016 - March 2019

Expertise for cross-border public services in the Saxon-Polish border

Spatial Foresight, together with Hempel Krzymuski Partner, developed an expertise on opportunities to develop cross-border services of public interest in the Saxon-Polish border. The focus was on the four twin city areas located along this border. These areas were strongly affected by demographic change. Cross-border service provision was investigated as an opportunity to improve living conditions and attractiveness of the areas in the long-run.
The study elaborated the local and regional needs, identified good practices from other European border areas and scrutinised their transferability and needs for adjustment to the conditions at the German-Polish border. The expertise was embedded in the cross-border Interreg project "Smart Integration" and carried out on behalf this project's lead holder, the Saxon State Ministry of the Interior.


Client: Saxon Ministry of the Interior
Duration: February 2019 - June 2019

Interreg North-West Europe Evaluation Task II

In 2018, Spatial Foresight with cooperation partner t33 carried out the Implementation Evaluation for the 2014-2020 Interreg North-West Europe Programme within the integrated framework of the monitoring and evaluation system. The evaluation aimed to analyse and verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the programme, as well as the expected Programme contribution to the socio-economic changes in the territory.


Client: INTERREG North-West Europe
Duration: March 2018 - September 2018

Interreg Greater Region evaluation

The aim of the project was to provide a first impact evaluation of the programme INTERREG VA Greater Region. The evaluation targeted three main elements of the activities of the crossborder programme: the environmental action (under Priority Axis n°2), the communication of the programme (in relation with local stakeholders and beneficiaries), implementation of horital principles.


Client: INTERREG VA Grande Région
Duration: January 2018 - December 2018

Green economy in the Alps

The German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) had commissioned blue! in cooperation with Spatial Foresight and CIPRA is for elaborating an action programme in support of Green Economy in the Alps. The project translated the findings related to the key topics of the 6th Report on the State of the Alps "Greening the Economy of the Alpine Region" into actions. Spatial Foresight especially contributed to the conceptual development of the action programme and the stakeholder workshops that fed into actual actions and project proposals implementing a green economy.


Client: German Federal Environment Agency (UBA)
Duration: March 2017 - January 2019

Alpine Space evaluation

Spatial Foresight performed the operational evaluation of the Interreg Alpine Space Programme 2014-2020. This evaluation focused on the evaluation of the communication strategy, the effectiveness in achieving objectives and output indicators of the programme and the stakeholder involvement and partnership structures.


Client: Interreg V B Alpine Space Programme / Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung; Abt. 1/01
Duration: November 2017 - June 2018

EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region after 2020

Spatial Foresight was awarded a contract by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia for a study on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region after 2020. The purpose of the study was to analyse how projects of the EUSBSR have developed and been implemented in support of the main objectives and sub-objectives of the Strategy, as well as the role of its key implementers, with a special focus on the ’Save the Sea’ objective. This input was an important step to assess the current implementation of the EUSBSR objectives and provide recommendations considering its future implementation also vis à vis future trends. The findings of the study were presented at the plenary and at a workshop, at the 9th EU Annual Forum for the Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and served as a basis for discussions on a better alignment of the macro-regional strategies with the next programming period after 2020. The final report of the study can be downloaded here.


Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia
Duration: November 2017 - June 2017

Improving the impact of territorial area wide cooperation in Adriatic-Ionian region

Experts from Spatial Foresight supported the OECD LEED office in Trento (Italy) in conducting a Project aimed at contributing to a more effective cooperation in the Adriatic-Ionian macro-region through fostering integrated local development and improving the consistency and the effectiveness of the Interreg V-B Adriatic-Ionian 2014-2020 Operational Programme (ADRION), in particular with regard to the European Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR), the macro-regional strategy endorsed by the European Council in 2014.


Client: OECD LEED Trento Centre for local development
Duration: August 2017 - October 2017

Monitoring needs in the European Strategy for the Alpine Region

The European Union Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) is the most recent macro-regional strategy in Europe. It targets an increased cooperation within the Alpine region in order to better address challenges and to promote a  balanced territorial development. The assignment helped the EUSALP players to develop a framework for monitoring and identify relevant indicators. The key element of the assignment was an interactive workshop held with EUSALP stakeholders in late November 2016.


Clint: DG Regio
Duration: November 2016 - December 2016

Monitoring indicators and targets in the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

The European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) is the first macro-regional strategy in Europe. It aims at reinforcing cooperation within the region to face several challenges by working together as well as promoting a more balanced development in the area. The assignment on monitoring indicators and targets in the EUSBSR took stock of the situation as regards the monitoring of the objectives and sub-objectives of the EUSBSR by making use relevant indicators, identify monitoring needs by key stakeholders, allowing it to feed the results into the establishment of a macro-regional monitoring system. The main element of this analysis is an interactive workshop with relevant players which took place in late June 2016.


Client: DG REGIO
Duration: May 2016 - September 2016

Foresight study on a vision fo the Baltic Sea Region in 2030

Since the adoption of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) and the development of the current version of its Action Plan and sub-priorities some years have past and new development and governance challenges have emerged as global and regional contexts have changed both in terms of economic and geo-political developments.
The 7th Strategy Forum for the EUSBSR focused on a vision for the Baltic Sea Region 2030. In preparation of this, a team led by Spatial Foresight was asked to review relevant development trends to assess:

  • In a 2030 perspective, what major global trends can be expected to fundamentally impact the future of the Baltic Sea Region?
  • Which major trends in the immediate neighbourhood of EU Baltic Sea Region should the Member States take into account when pursuing the long-term objectives of the EUSBSR?
  • Which trends could seriously affect the twelve sub-objectives of the EUSBSR Action Plan?
  • To what extent is the Region prepared for these developments?

Spatial Foresight carried out this study in cooperation with MDI in Finland. The final report of the assessment can be downloaded on the Strategy Forum website.


Client: Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tilväxtverket)
Duration: April 2016 - November 2016

INTERACT funding sources in the EUSBSR

Spatial Foresight has conducted a study for INTERACT Point Turku on the funding sources available for the EU macro regional strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. The study provided a comprehensive list and collect respective data on funding sources / policy implementation instruments in the Baltic Sea Region. Furthermore the most important needs for accessing the relevant information by different categories of users were identified. The study contributed to increased alignment of funding in the Baltic Sea Region.

After the project, INTERACT and other stakeholders for the Baltic Sea Region continued developing the tool. The funding portal has been published November 2016:


Client: INTERACT Point Turku
Duration: September - December 2015

West Nordic Municipal Structure

Municipalicities in the West Nordic countries (Faroe island, Iceland and Greenland) look quite different: The Faroe Islands (population: 48 500 inh.) comprise 30 small municipalities. Debates on merging them into 7 new ones have stalled because of a lack of political support at the national level. Since 2009, Greenland (population: 56,800 inh.) is subdivided in only four very large municipalities, with an average population of 14,000 inhabitants. These municipalities comprise between 8 and 40 settlements, none of which are connected by roads. Iceland (population: 320,000 inh.) has 75 municipalities. Their number has fallen rapidly from over 200 in the 1980s. These constrasted patterns in countries that share similar challenges, with small, isolated settlements that are highly dependent on natural resources, create a potential for exchanges of experience and good practice. Furthermore, current debates on changes in municipal structures could usefully be informed by international literature. The objective of the project is to produce an integrated evidence base for these discussions, that could later be used as a basis for organising transnational exchanges within this field. The municipal structures will be approached from the perspective of local democracy, public service provision and development potentials. A limited number of interviews will be carried out with local stakeholders, as a complement to the review of literature and policy documents.


Client: Arctic Cooperation Programme / University of Akureyri
Duration: 2012-2013

Implementation of the Territorial Agenda 2020: Impacts of European transport policies in selected regions

The Territorial Agenda 2020 aims at implementing territorial cohesion. This asks for intensified collaboration between sector and spatial policies. Transport policy, i. a. in the context of the core network, is spatially sensitive, which suggests a closer cooperation between transport policy and spatial planning. This project aims to illustrate how this cooperation was achieved in selected INTERREG projects and wants to observe and support related planning processes in selected German regions. The project is conducted in collaboration with Spiekermann & Wegener.

Here you may download the available publications pf the project:

Zillmer, S. & Lüer C. (2014), Umsetzung der Territorialen Agenda 2020: Entwicklung regionaler Potenziale im Zusammenhang mit der Weiterentwicklung der TEN-V in drei Modellregionen, BMVI - Special publications. Download.

Zillmer S. , Lüer C., Spiekermann K., Wegener M. (2015): Implementating the Territorial Agenda 2020. Enhancing regional potentials in the context of further developing the TEN-T.  BMVI-Online-Publikation 07/2015. Download.


Client: BBSR, Germany
Duration: 2012-2014

Cooperation methods and tools applied by the 2014-2020 ESI Funds programmes to support implementation of the EUSBSR

Spatial Foresight performed a study on “Cooperation methods and tools applied by the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI Funds) programmes for 2014-2020 to support implementation of the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region”. The purpose of this study has been to analyse how a selection of ESI Funds are foreseen to support implementation of the EUSBSR during the 2014-2020 programming period. The final report can be downloaded here.


Client: INTERACT point Turku
Duration: October 2014 – April 2015

Supporting the preparation of the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region

DG Regio assigned Kai Böhme as external expert for the impact assessment of the Alpine macro-regional strategy (EUSALP) in the fields of: 1) competitiveness, prosperity and cohesion of the Alpine Region; 2) Assistance in the stakeholder consultation; and 3) overall expert assessment to provide the Commission with strategic advice on policy challenges. The expert's tasks lead to a synthetic report, including recommendations and readiness in preparation of a Commission Communication and Action Plan for a EU Strategy for the Alpine Region, which will be submitted to the Council during 2015.


Client: DG Regio
Duration: September 2014 - March 2015

Ex-ante evaluation of the ERDF OP 2 Seas 2014-2020

Spatial Foresight conducted the ex-ante evaluation for the territorial cooperation programme 2 Seas. The evaluation included all ex-ante evaluation elements as proposed by the European Commission - especially the evaluation of the programme strategy, indicators, monitoring, financial allocation, contribution to the EU2020 Strategy as well as the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The evaluation was led by t33.


Client: Interreg 2 Seas / t33
Duration: 2013-2014

Ex-ante evaluation of the ERDF OP France (Channel) - England 2014-2020

Spatial Foresight conducted the ex-ante evaluation for the territorial cooperation programme France (Channel) - England. The evaluation included all ex-ante evaluation elements as proposed by the European Commission - especially the evaluation of the programme strategy, indicators, monitoring, financial allocation,  contribution to the EU2020 Strategy as well as the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The evaluation was led by t33.


Client: Interreg IVA France (Channel) - England / t33
Duration: 2013-2014

Ex-ante evaluation of the ERDF OP Alpine Space 2014-2020

Spatial Foresight conducted the ex-ante evaluation for the territorial cooperation programme Alipne Space. The evaluation included all ex-ante evaluation elements as proposed by the European Commission - especially the evaluation of the programme strategy, indicators, monitoring, financial allocation, contribution to the EU2020 Strategy as well as the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The evaluation was led by t33.


Client: Interreg Alpine Space / t33
Duration: 2013-2014

Study on the new role of macro-regions in European Territorial Cooperation

Spatial Foresight contributed to a study on macro-regional strategies in Europe as part of a framework contract with the European Parliament. The objective of the study was to identify the “new role of macro-regions in European Territorial Cooperation”. It analysed the governance approach, efficiency and effectiveness of existing and emerging macro-regional strategies. Spatial Foresight carried out a case study on the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) addressing, among others,  the process, the actors and the added value of the macro-regional strategy. The consortium was led by the Austrian Institute for Spatial Planning (ÖIR) and also includes t33 and the Technical University of Delft.

You may download the study here.


Client: European Parliament
Duration: May 2014 - January 2015

Ex-ante evaluation of the ERDF OP North-West Europe 2014-2020

Spatial Foresight conducted the ex-ante evaluation for the territorial cooperation programme North-West Europe. The evaluation included all ex-ante evaluation elements as proposed by the European Commission - especially the evaluation of the programme strategy, indicators, monitoring, financial allocation, contribution to the EU2020 Strategy as well as the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The evaluation was led by EuroConsult and SEA was led by Dr. Dräger & Thielmann.


Client: Interreg NWE / EureConsult
Duration: 2013-2014

Analysis of transnational cooperation: Green Growth and Blue Growth

Blue Growth and Green Growth are key concepts as regards implementing the Europe 2020 strategy and the Territorial Agenda 2020 and achieving their specific objectives. Blue Growth highlights the maritime dimension of the Europe 2020 strategy and encompasses smart, sustainable and inclusive growth related to the resources and potentials of oceans, seas and coastal areas. Green Growth is closely linked to sustainable growth. In accordance with the Europe 2020 strategy, Green Growth emphasises the relevance of energy- and resource-efficient economic growth in order to achieve long-term sustainable development. This project aimed to illustrate how transnational projects contribute to Blue and Green Growth in Germany and how they therefore facilitated the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy and the Territorial Agenda 2020.

Here you may find and download the available publications of the project:

Zillmer S., Lüer C. & Toptsidou M. (2014): Transnationale Perspektiven für grünes und blaues Wachstum. Wie Kommunen und Regionen im Rahmen von INTERREG IV B nachhaltiges Wachstum fördern und marine Ressourcen nutzen können. BBSR Sonderveröffentlichung. Download

Zillmer S., Lüer C. & Toptsidou M. (2014): Transnational perspectives for green and blue growth. How municipalities and regions can promote sustainable growth and use marine resources in the context of INTERREG IV B. BBSR Special Publications. Download


Client: BBSR
Duration: 2013-2014

EU Macroregional Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region

As part of the Europe 2020 strategy, the Commission adopted the 'Innovation Union' flagship initiative in October 2010. It sets out a comprehensive innovation strategy for Europe to enhance Europe's capacity to deliver smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. DG Regio has assigned Kai Böhme as external expert for the impact assessment of the Adriatic & Ionian macro-region (Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia) in the field of: 1) innovative maritime and marine issues that draw on smart specialisation in the macro region; 2) overall expert assessment to provide the Commission with strategic advice on policy challenges. The expert's tasks lead to a synthetic report, including recommendations and readiness and impact assessment to assist the Commission services in the preparation of a Commission Communication and Action Plan for an EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region, which was submitted to the Council during 2014.


Client: DG Regio
Duration: 2013-2014

West Norden Foresight 2030: The rural communities' Perspective

The rural communities of West Norden (Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland) face particular social and economic development challenges related to their isolation, the small size of their local communities and extensive economic specialisation in sectors linked to the extraction and exploitation of raw materials. The objective of the study was to carry out a foresight process focusing on these territories, identifying potential shared ambitions and visions in a 2030 horizon and formulating some strategies to overcome the challenges they are facing. Spatial Foresight coordinated the implementation of the project. The lead stakeholder was the Greenlandic government. The steering group also included the Icelandic, Faroese and Greenland associations of local authorities and the Faroese Research Centre for Social Development. Nordregio was also part of the project team, providing important background data and maps.


Client: The Nordic Council of Ministers' Arctic Co-operation Programme
Duration: 2010-2011

Needs and potentials of CENTRAL EUROPE

In 2011, the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme for territorial cooperation started the internal debate on the future of transnational cooperation in its area, under consideration of the wider framework of the Europe 2020 Strategy and the proposed political framework for EU Regional Policy after 2013. This project aimed to support the Programme that it will meet regional challenges, satisfy concrete needs and use existing potentials for future cooperation in the next funding period 2014-2020.  Spatial Foresight contributed to this analysis of challenges, needs and potentials as expert for the German regions included in the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme.


Client: Managing Authority of Central Europe Programme / ÖIR
Duration: 2012

Cross-programme evaluation in the Danube area

Regional development is influenced and supported by a wide range of regional, national and European programmes. The INTERACT cross-programme evaluation in Central and South-eastern Europe (incl. the Danube area) analysed and characterised the joint contribution of a range of programmes or initiatives to the development of the Danube area. The analysis had a particular focus on specific on possible synergies, overlappings, cooperation links and missing connections between the different programmes and initiatives. European Territorial Cooperation Programmes (INTERREG) were in the main focus of the cross-programme evaluation.


Duration: 2009 – 2010

SME involvement in European territorial cooperation programmes operative in North-East Europe

A main issue of this study was to identify the ways in which the ETC programmes have an ability to create and support ties that allow the SMEs to participate fully in the European Territorial Cooperation Programmes operating in North East Europe. The critical tasks included identifying, describing and analysing the level of SME involvement the programmes and the dimensions of SME involvement that contribute to the regional competitiveness and innovation of the participating regions. The critical issue was to identify the bottom-up qualities of the actions implemented and draw conclusions that are relevant to the Client, the programme secretariats, as well as the SMEs and other project partners. The study was carried out by Net Effect in cooperation with Sweco and Spatial Foresight.


Client: INTERACT / Net Effect
Duration: 2010

Monitoring and Evaluation in European Territorial Cooperation

In the INTERREG community monitoring and evaluation are increasingly debated. In the framework of these debates, Spatial Foresight was a continuous peer reviewer concerning the elaboration of an INTERACT guidebook on monitoring and evaluation. Furthermore, Spatial Foresight was in charge for various INTERACT workshops with Programme Secretariats and Managing / Steering Committees.


Duration: 2009

Arguments and values in administrative reforms

The Nordic countries were all in various phases of administrative reforms. The aim of this project was to illuminate one important aspect of the public debates that were taking place in all Nordic countries, namely the arguments that were used (rather than describing the process itself). This increased the transparency of the debate and was of use when decisions were made.


Client: Nordic Research Programme / Blekinge Institute of Technology
Duration: 2007-2008

East-West Transport Corridor Strategy and Action Programme

The Interreg IIIC project “East-West Transport Corridor” has set out to further develop the link between Klaipeda in Lithuania and Esbjerg in Denmark to an important node in the increasing trade between East and West. The aim of this project was to prepare a strategy and mid-term action programme which helped the corridor to position itself globally and strengthen it links to destinations in Russia, the Fare East and Western Europe.


Client: Region Blekinge / SWECO Eurofutures
Duration: 2007

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