Finalised national & regional projects
The study provided a picture of how other countries deal with conflicting objectives in spatial planning at national level. Based on a previous study on national spatial planning system in selected European countries, which Spatial Foresight has conducted for Boverekt (the Swedish Board for Housing, Building and Planning) some year ago, this new study looked into the management of conflicting objectives in Norway, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Austria, Ireland and Scotland. The study provided a quick overview of how spatial planning in these countries identifies and manages conflicting objectives at national level, and what is required for this work.
Client: Swedish Board for Housing, Building and Planning
Duration: November 2024 - December 2024
In the context of the Interreg Programme for the Greater Region, the functional cross-border region Mëllerdall-Our-Südeifel has been identified as an area where long-standing collaborations shall be taken to a new level. It builds on a long history of cross-border cooperation between Luxembourg and the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate in this region. Based on this, Spatial Foresight supported the development of a sustainable strategy for the functional cooperation area. The focus of the strategy is on practiced neighbourhood in the cross-border region Mëllerdall-Our-Südeifel. The strategy categorises its objectives into five thematic areas: Nature & Environment, Ecological Footprint, Transport & Mobility, Regional Identity, and Quality of Life.
The strategy has agreed by the stakeholders in late 2023 and the implementation started in 2024. Download.
Client: The Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning (LU)
Duration: October 2022 - August 2024
Sweden works with a national territorial instrument for sustainable urban development in the context of EU Cohesion Policy. The instrument is largely based on Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI).
In 2023 and 2024, local and regional authorities could apply for ERDF funding to develop integrated territorial strategies. Boverket, the Swedish Board for Housing, Building and Planning, supported the applicants with the series of workshops. The results of the workshop also fed into a Swedish handbook on integrated territorial and urban strategies. Spatial Foresight supported Boverket in the development and moderation of the workshops.
Client: Swedish Board for Housing, Building and Planning
Duration: April 2023 - May 2024
In the context of the Interreg Programme for the Greater Region, the functional cross-border region Eifel-Ostbelgien-Éislek has been identified as an area where long-standing collaborations can be taken to a new level through an integrated territorial cross-border strategy. It builds on a long history of cross-border cooperation between the German-speaking Community of Belgium, Luxembourg and the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate in this region. With the new strategy, this collaboration shall be further stimulated. The strategy has been elaborated in a co-creative and participative process, designed and facilitated by Spatial Foresight, drawing on insights and priorities of key players in the region. In preparation of the participative strategy process, Spatial Foresight has also conducted the spatial analysis for the region, which spans across 16 municipalities or administrative units, comprising nine from the German-speaking Community of Belgium (Ostbelgien), four from the northern part of Luxembourg (Éislek), and three associations of municipalities in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (Eifel).
The documents are available online:
• full version of the strategy (in German)
• spatial analysis (in German)
Client: Ministry of the German-speaking Community, Belgium
Duration: December 2022 – July 2023
Spatial Foresight was part of a consortium with convelop, ÖAR, KM Forschung Austria and ÖGUT and led by ÖIR (all from Austria) who has been awarded the on-going evaluation of the Austrian ERDF programme 2014-2020. Spatial Foresight was mainly involved in the quality control in view of international comparison and experience of ERDF evaluations.
Client: Bundesbeschaffung Austria
Duration: December 2017 - December 2023
Spatial Foresight performed an evaluation of the REACT-EU for the Ministry of Economy of Luxembourg. Two projects have been implemented in Luxembourg by the REACT-EU/ ERDF funding: (1) Vaccination anti-COVID-19 and (2) Electrification of the national bus network RGTR by replacing combustion engine buses with electric buses. Each of the projects, worth 35 million euros, represented 1% of the total value of the support schemes available in Luxembourg addressing the consequences of the global pandemic. It was concluded that the programme reached its main aims. Vaccination of more than 500 000 persons allowed to protect the national health system and, hence, the population of the country. By 2025, the RGTR fleet will comprise around 500 electric buses covering around 50% of RGTR's total mileage. It is a major step towards the government's objective of complete electrification of the RGTR network by 2030.
Client: Ministry of Economy of Luxembourg
Duration: October 2023 - January 2024
raumkom (Trier, Germany) and Spatial Foresight assessed the feasibility of implementing coworking spaces in rural areas and develop potential adjustments for a corresponding concept. The project was commissioned by four LEADER regions: Moselfranken and Mosel (Germany), as well as Regioun Mëllerdall and Miselerland (Luxembourg). The project showed that the coworking space model is transferable to the participating LEADER regions and outlined the necessary adjustments and approaches for rural areas. Local visits revealed that municipalities have interest in the topic and have infrastructure potential. Thus, for a coworking space, it is not necessarily mandatory to be sponsored by a municipality, but their conceptual (and ideally also material or financial) support is crucial. The project succeeded in advancing the awareness of coworking and coworking spaces in rural areas in the local discussion, emphasizing the added value of local coworking spaces and advantages for the citizens and the municipalities. A coworking network on the German side along the Mosel was established to effectively promote the rural coworking spaces established in this area during the project to support the demand for coworking in the region and to initiate a joint marketing strategy for coworking spaces. All information for future consulting, information, and discussion offerings related to rural coworking spaces has been compiled in two documents, the Infothek (detailed version) and a 12-step-brochure to implement a rural coworking space.
The complete strategy is available for download in this link.
A blog post about our work for this strategy is available in this link.
Client: Ministry of Economy of Luxembourg
Duration: April 2023 - June 2023
Luxembourg’s ministry of economy has presented a bold vision for its economic future with the aim to strengthen resilience, inclusivity, and competitiveness by the year 2050. Spatial Foresight has assisted the process with assessing the spatial dimension of this vision. Which places have good starting position for the possible futures and which places may face particular challenges? Two maps by Spatial Foresight frame the vision, one displaying the situation today and one showing how it could look like in 2050, if the strategy is implemented.
The complete strategy is available for download in this link.
A blog post about our work for this strategy is available in this link.
Client: Ministry of Economy of Luxembourg
Duration: April 2023 - June 2023
'Luxembourg in Transition’ ( is an innovative process which introduces new topics and methods into spatial planning in the functional region in and around Luxembourg. The process had been initiated by the Luxembourg Ministry of Energy and for spatial planning with the aim to pitch different territorial visions for a zero-carbon and resilient future of the Luxembourg functional region until 2050. It was based on principles such as cross-border planning, competitive tendering procedures, broad and cross-sectoral participation and new topics, that spatial planning has yet to discover. Spatial Foresight conducted an in-depth analysis of the process and provided concrete recommendations on how to use the lesson’s-learned to complement the regional level spatial planning in Rhineland-Palatinate and at federal level in Germany.
Client: Ministry of Interior and for Sports Rhineland-Palatinate
Duration: November 2021 - November 2023
Spatial Foresight was contracted by the Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations of The Netherlands with a study in support of the new national spatial planning strategy.
Client: Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations of The Netherlands
Duration: March 2023 – June 2023
Spatial Foresight was contributing to a project on EU-China Research and Innovation Partnership in the field of "Sustainable urban development and urban planning, green urban mobility and transport". The project focus was on urban sustainability and aimed to contribute to capacity building of local governments in medium sized cities (MEDIUM) to develop socio-technical innovations and meet challenges of these cities. Spatial Foresight contributed through experimental participative approaches on capacity building in three Chinese cities, i.e. Hangzhou, Zhuhai and Datong. Download.
Client: EuropeAid
Duration: October 2014 - September 2018
Spatial Foresight together with its partner LKN Analysis produced a study on Cohesion Policy and Integrated Territorial Investments in a small island context for the ESPON Programme. This study suggests that Cohesion Policy may have focused too much on infrastructure investments, and paid insufficient attention to capacity building at local level. Basic preconditions for participative approaches to strategy design and implementation are not always in place. These shortcomings could be addressed through community building initiatives in small islands. A statistical monitoring of small islands would also help to design measures to overcome their structural challenges.
Duration: April 2022 - July 2023
Spatial Foresight designed and facilitated a one-day-workshop for the Department of Engineering of the University of Luxembourg to exchange on the status-quo of the DoE and on the current and future research and education activities in order to synchronise the strategy between Mechanical-, Electrical–, Civil Engineering and Computational Engineering. The aim of the workshop was to collect, in a first step, the group’s ideas on the main pillars/ key-concepts of University of Luxembourg’s strategy (sustainable engineering – digital engineering) to figure out the participants’ understanding of the two concepts and to see why they are needed and why they should be implemented. It developed and pointed out the importance for sustainable and digital engineering in e.g., teaching, research, and outreach. In a second step the workshop focusses on how the members of the Departement of Engineering can contribute to the priority domains of sustainable and digital engineering.
Client: University of Luxembourg
Duration: August 2022 - September 2022
Spatial Foresight was assigned to conduct a fi-compass ESF case study. The analysis was on the Saxon ESF Microcredit scheme supporting start-ups. The case study showed the main features of the Saxon ESF Microcredit scheme, in particular on its design and set-up, implementation and achievements. Insights from final recipients added practical experience with the scheme. The case study was implemented as part of the EIB fi-compass framework contract implemented by Ernst & Young, Technopolis and t33.
Client: European Investment Bank (EIB) via t33
Duration: September 2021 - February 2022
Spatial Foresight was awarded to support the drafting of the development strategy 2023-2029 for the LEADER Region Mëllerdall in Luxembourg. The region is known to be well-frequented by tourists and faces some challenges that need to be addressed, e.g. climate change, public service provision and development of tourism activities. We supported the LEADER bureau with a profound territorial survey, followed by a SWOT analysis. In a participative process, we developed together with regional and local stakeholders the broad and specific objectives and also drafted the evaluation plan.
Client: LEADER regioun Mëllerdall
Duration: May 2021 - March 2022
Spatial Foresight together with Zeyen+Baumann did manage the follow-up of the 'Cellule nationale d'information pour la Politique Urbaine' (CIPU - National information platform for urban policies) for Luxembourg. We have successfully re-established CIPU.
The CIPU contributes to the exchange of information and expertise of urban actors from different levels by creating an environment for common reflection on matters of urban development. The platform functions as interface between local, national, European as well as between scientific and application oriented actors.
In cooperation with Zeyen+Baumann, Spatial Foresight contributed to all tasks under the next CIPU, namely drafting the annual action programme, organising the regular expert forums, creating an online database of good-practice projects and organising the internal communication and documentation.
More more information visit the CIPU blog.
Client: Ministère du Développement durable et des Infrastructures - DATER, Ministère du Logement, Ville de Luxembourg, Ville d'Esch-sur-Alzette, Ville de Dudelange
Duration: October 2018 - February 2022
Spatial Foresight drew and moderated a 2 hours interactive work sequence with stakeholders from politics and tourism of the city of Echternach, Luxembourg, in the context of the city's annual tourism workshop. The work sequence aimed to inspire the development of topics and new (project) ideas to vitalise and promote tourism in the city of Echternach.
Client: Trifolion Echternach a.s.b.l / City marketing
Duration: November 2021
Spatial Foresight supported the implementation of the newly adopted Comprehensive Plan for the Lithuania. This study focused on perspectives for functional integration and cooperation in the Vilnius-Kaunas and Klaipėda - Palanga areas. For this purpose, analytical tools developed by the ESPON ACTAREA project were mobilised: schematic territorial representations ('Mapshots') and institutional mappings. The work was based on statistical analyses, document reviews and interviews.
Duration: February 2021 - May 2021
We supported LIDEEA development actions srl in their support to the Romanian Regional Development Agency Center by identifying the types of simplified costs that could be used at the level of Regional Operational Programmes 2021-2027. We implemented an assessment of the adequacy of the selected simplified costs options (SCOs) identified and provide expert judgement on the use of specific SCOs, their potential to generate a real simplification and anticipated problems in implementation, risks of negative effects and solutions that have already been experienced in other Member States. The services were delivered in five “consultation rounds”.
Client: Romanian Regional Development Agency Centre
Duration: June 2021 - September 2021
Luxembourg prepared a new housing policy "Housing Pact 2.0" to increase the housing supply and to better meet the growing demand for affordable housing in Luxembourg. Cooperation between national and local authorities is a key element in the new policy. In preparation of the new policy, Spatial Foresight organised a series of 6 participatory workshops with Luxembourgish municipalities to explore possible concrete measures to include in the design of the new policy.
Spatial Foresight developed the participatory concept in cooperation with Zeyen+Baumann for the Luxembourg Ministry of Housing. This included the development and hosting of workshops, and to draw conclusions on objectives, measures and instruments to be considered in the new policy.
Client: Ministry of Housing, Luxembourg
Duration: April 2019 - September 2020
Client: Ministry for energy and spatial planning, Luxembourg
Duration: November 2020 - January 2021
Spatial Foresight was contracted by the Rhineland-Palatine Ministry of the Interior and Sport to analyse possibilities for future transnational cooperation in the North-West European cooperation area post 2020. The analysis focused on the interest and potentials for Rhineland-Palatine and the regional stakeholders. The analysis identified, inter alia, thematic priorities of particular interest of Rhineland-Palatine and developed proposals for future support of regional stakeholders for their participation in transnational cooperation. The project was conducted jointly with TAURUS ECO.
Client: Rhineland-Palatine Ministry of the Interior and Sport
Duration: October 2019 - May 2020
The U-LEAD programme is an initiative funded by the European Union and selected Member States to support the decentralisation process in Ukraine. As competences are being transferred to an emerging new local level of government – the so-called ‘Amalgamated Hromadas’ – a wide range of activities are being organised to improve local government and governance.
One of the objectives pursued is to promote evidence-informed decision making. Spatial Foresight was commissioned to support the U-LEAD programme in this respect. The objectives were to review data that was collected, to provide advice on how they could be processed and communicated and to explore the possibility of setting up a data platform that could support local decision makers.
Client: GIZ
Duration: 2020
An international review of national spatial planning plans informed the Swedish debate on whether and if so how to reinforce strategic spatial planning at national level. The main part of the study was a short review of strategic national spatial planning documents concerning their focus, character, influence and elaboration process in Austria, Estonia, France, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Scotland and Slovenia.
Client: Swedish Board of Housing, Planning & Building (Boverket)
Duration: April 2020 - September 2020
Spatial Foresight contributed to a NEXUS FUTURES study by the the University of Luxembourg. The study developed possible future scenarios for Luxembourg based on different assumptions about the societal and political systems, and the economy, technology and environment in 2045. The scenarios were created in a series of workshops with different stakeholders from the private and public sector. Several independent experts provided more detailed information issues such as the economic, infrastructure, agriculture and forestry conditions in Luxembourg. As a result, the scenarios have a strong thematic focus with little spatial differentiation. Spatial Foresight highlighted the territorial dimension of the three scenarios, providing for each one indicative and thought-provoking map.
Client: University of Luxembourg
Duration: March 2019 - March 2020
Spatial Foresight was selected to identify and describe good practices in the implementation of ERDF programmes by the French General Commission for Territorial Equality. For this purpose, an extensive network of national experts covering all EU countries was mobilised. The study focused in particular on factors of success to achieve good progress in programming, national coordination arrangements for ERDF programmes, programme governance and partnerships. We also looked carefully at programme management systems in different parts of Europe. The study feeds into a wider set of enquiries designed to prepare French authorities for the design and implementation of ERDF programmes in the 2021-2027 programming period, under the coordination of the French consultancy group Rouge Vif.
The final report is available here.
Client: CGET-Commissariat Général à l'Egalité des Territoires
Duration: February 2019 - September 2019
Spatial Foresight was awarded a contract to provide support to EGTC foundations. The project was commissioned by BBSR to further develop solutions for stakeholders engaged in the foundation of an EGTC. Different questions arising for stakeholders regarding the internal relations of the EGTC as required in articles 8 and 9 of the EGTC regulation were discussed in detail. Selected foundation processes with German participation may receive individual support to solve certain legal aspects that are of interest also for other EGTCs and that can help to reduce the complexity and high burden for EGTC foundations. Against this background, the project furthermore sought to promote the exchange of experience between recently founded EGTCs and EGTCs in foundation, respectively. The project was conducted together with the legal advisers from Hempel Krzymuski Partner.
The final report has been published here.
Client: Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR)
Duration: November 2017 - March 2020
Spatial Foresight supported the Luxembourg Ministry with food for thought concerning the future orientation of Interreg North-West Europe. For the Interreg programme North-West Europe (NWE), the Cohesion Policy period post 2020 implies a wide range of uncertainties and changes due to Brexit. This offers also an opportunity to take a closer look at possible future programme geographies and cooperation topics. By analysing prevailing linkages and functional relations between territories involved in the current NWE programme and beyond.
Client: Luxembourg Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure
Duration: November 2018 - February 2019
Spatial Foresight conducted a study to prepare the Interreg A Cross-Border Programme ‘Upper Rhine’ between neighbouring regions of Germany, France and Switzerland for the upcoming Cohesion Policy funding period. Through a socio-economic and territorial analysis, challenges and potentials for future cross-border cooperation were identified, feeding into the strategic orientation of the Upper Rhine Programme for 2021 - 2027.
The analysis was based on an extensive literature and data review. A workshop was organised with members of the programme authorities to complement the gathered information with first hand-knowledge about political priorities of each programme partner. In addition, the analysis described existing functional links between the territories.
The interim report as well as the final report were drafted in two languages, respectively French and German. Spatial Foresight lead the study in collaboration with Reeleaf from The Netherlands.
Client: Direction du Rayonnement Transfrontalier, International et de l'Europe
Duration: April 2019-July 2019
The study presents different scenarios for the future of land use in Luxembourg. 12 scenarios show possible land uses under continued demographic and economic growth as well as under the assumption of different approaches to land management. The scenarios were differentiated according to two aspects: (a) The expected population development - closely linked to expected economic and job developments and (b) the possible land use policy - closely linked to the objectives of sustainable development. These two categories have been combined to make statements about land use in 2050 under different socio-economic assumptions.
Client: Luxembourg Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure
Duration: December 2018 - March 2019
Spatial Foresight, together with TCP International, the University of Münster (WWU) and DTV Consultants, conducted a study on air accessibility in the German-Dutch border area of the EUREGIO. The study consisted of three work packages. First, two large-scale surveys on mobility needs in aviation of both households and enterprises were conducted. In addition, the current status and accessibility of relevant airports were assessed. Finally, different scenarios on future development were developed. The study was led by TCP International. Its results fed into an Interreg project led by the EUREGIO with the provinces, counties, regions and cities as project partners. The reports of this study are available in Dutch and German.
Client: EUREGIO / TCP International
Duration: April 2018 - February 2019
Stockholm Mälardalsrådet wanted to explore the larger geographical context of the region with regard to the trans-European transport networks (TEN-T). Spatial Foresight supported the region in the discussion of the question which role the capital region plays in trans-European transport flows and how the region can be better positioned in the mid-term.
Client: Mälardalsrådet
Duration: October 2018 - December 2018
Spatial Foresight contributes to the transfer agency, which has been contracted to support the production of publications and brochures which are edited by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) and published by the German Federal Institute for Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Planning (BBSR). The provided services include, i.a., editing, creating the layout and print files etc. Spatial Foresight will be responsible for language editing with regard to the correct use of German and English terms in the field of spatial planning and development. The transfer agency is led by CONVIS Consult & Marketing.
Client: BBSR
Duration: August 2015 - July 2017
Spatial Foresight contributed to the reintroduction of the 'Cellule nationale d'information pour la Politique Urbaine' (CIPU - National information platform for urban policies) of Luxembourg. CIPU is a platform for urban actors to exchange information and expertise on urban development matters. The platform serves as interface between local, national, European spatial planners and spatial planners and scientists.
During 2017 and 2018, a range of activities were realised. Three events were held including two workshops focussing on the instruments and tools at hand to promote social housing. The third event, the CIPU Info-Day was held in July 2018 and presented European initiatives and programmes to support authorities in the realisation of their projects. In addition, CIPU drafted the Luxembourgish position on the topic of eGovernance in the framework of the Estonian presidency of the Council of the European Union.
In order to promote Luxembourgish spatial planning in Europe, a range project sheets were drafted in English. The project sheets shed light on interesting projects and initiatives explaining the rationale for action, the objectives, the timeframe, results and much more. They are available for download in the CIPU project library here. Also, the social media channels and the public relations work of the platform were restarted. In cooperation with the bureau Zeyen+Baumann, Spatial Foresight contributed to all tasks of the project.
Client: Ministère du Développement durable et des Infrastructures - DATER
Duration: March 2017 - March 2018
In Luxembourg, many spatial planning issues can be better solved through inter-municipal cooperation. In formal terms, this can be done through conventions between the involved municipalities and the state level. These conventions are a pretty flexible tool, which has produced many interesting approaches to territorial cooperation between municipalities and the state level in different parts of Luxembourg. Voluntary cooperation exemplifies the efforts made at the local level to implement strategic approaches by turning them into concrete projects. By collecting manifold experience made with conventions in spatial planning, the aim of the study was to stimulate a debate on how to further improve the tool to be used more widely and better meet the challenges of regional development processes in Luxembourg. The project was led by Zeyen+Baumann in cooperation with Spatial Foresight.
Client: Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure, Luxembourg
Duration: November 2017 - March 2018
Spatial Foresight conducted a study on the territorial implications and preconditions concerning the 3rd Industrial Revolution in Luxembourg. A vision and strategy for the country's transition to the 3rd Industrial Revolution has been developed in the so-called Rifkin study, which was commissioned by the Ministry of Economics of Luxembourg. The objective of our follow-up study was to debate and highlight the territorial consequences and patterns that may result from the implementation of the transitions, proposed by the Rifkin study. The study was conducted in collaboration with Zeyen+Baumann which contributes with local knowledge about the country.
Client: Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure, Luxembourg
Duration: December 2017 - February 2018
Spatial Foresight was part of a consortium led by BGI Consulting that was selected to support Lithuanian and Croatian authorities to enhance their capacities of financial instruments in consistency with other forms of public interventions. The project assessed the added value of financial instruments in relations to other government interventions in nine different policy sectors. Spatial Foresight was mostly responsible for capacity building and organises site visits in the two countries, trainings and final conferences.
Client: BGI Consulting / Central Project Management Agency, Lithuania
Duration: May 2017 - February 2018
Spatial Foresigh was part of a consortium that has been awarded a contract to identify and assess the need for, and prepare the establishment of a joint spatial observation system in the German-Danish cross-border area. In a first phase, which has focused on the general need for such a system, two events have been organised: (i) A regional workshop to involve various stakeholders, reaching from line departments, planning authorities and statistical offices to chambers of industry and commerce, universities, tourism and environmental associations, and identify their interests and needs; (ii) a focus group with experts from different statistical institutions as potential data providers to further develop the results of the regional workshop and discuss general availability of data. The second step focused on preparing the implementation. This included technical aspects, cost estimates and the identification of priorities as starting points for a joint online platform. For this purpose, expert rounds with technical, statistical and GIS experts have been organised in Denmark and Germany. The project has been conducted by Spatial Foresight and RRG Spatial Planning and Geoinformation in Oldenburg i.H.
The final monitoring system can be accessesed online:
Client: State Chancellery of the State of Schleswig-Holstein
Duration: December 2016 - December 2017
The objective of the final evaluation of the Spanish National Programme (7 Programmes) implemented within the financial mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA Grants 2009-2014 for Spain) consisted in assessing the results and effects generated as well as the effectiveness with regard to the two broad objectives of the EEA Grants (to reduce inequalities and to strengthen bilateral relations), as well as the specific objectives established for each programme. A specific impact evaluation reflected larger impacts and sustainability of the supported actions for the Programme ES02 (Programme Operator: CDTI).
Client: Ministry of Finance, Spain
Duration: July 2017 - October 2017
Spatial Foresight performed a study to analyse the logistics sector in the EUREGIO. The EUREGIO initiated the INTERREG A project "EUREGIO Freight Corridor" to elaborate a joint development strategy for the logistics sector in the German-Dutch border region. Under the cross-border project, the EUREGIO commissioned this study, which collected detailed information on the status quo and possible future developments with regards to the logistics sector and goods transport. This way the study will provide evidence for the elaboration process of the EUREGIO’s strategy.
The study consistsed of four Lots, focusing on (1) current and future goods flows as well as the logistics profile, (2) the infrastructure network, current and future bottlenecks, (3) obstacles in the field of interoperability, and (4) pilot cases contributing to green corridor development. Spatial Foresight coordinatds the overall study, lead the last two Lots and also contributed to the first two Lots. The study is conducted together with TCP International and TNO.
Duration: April 2016 - November 2016
Spatial Foresight contributes to the communication of the Thuringian ERDF Programme 2014-2020 by drafting a brochure of the Operational Programme. The brochure shall inform beneficiaries, potential beneficiaries and other interested players about the main features of the Thuringian ERDF Programme 2014-2020. This brochure is part of the Managing Authority's communication strategy.
Duration: month year - month year
Spatial Foresight contributes to the evaluation plan for the Thuringian ERDF Programme 2014-2020 by identifying and describing the list of the envisaged evaluations during the programming period. Apart from desk research this encompasses in particular close interaction with the Managing Authority and responsible sector policies involved in the implementation of the ERDF programme. The list will include all relevant evaluation details as regards objective, extent, crucial questions, methods, time frame, data needs and budget for each of the listed evaluations.
Client: Thüringer Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und digitale Gesellschaft (Thuringian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Science and digital society)
Duration: March 2015-July 2015
The preparation of the operational programmes for the next period of the Structural Funds 2014-2020 was underway. Spatial Foresight conductsed the ex-ante evaluation for the ERDF programme of the Saarland. The evaluation included all ex-ante evaluation elements as proposed by the European Commission - especially the evaluation of the programme strategy, indicators, monitoring, financial allocation, contribution to the EU2020 Strategy as well as the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The project was conducted in collaboration with EureConsult, Dr. Dräger & Thielmann and PRAC.
Client: Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit, Energie und Verkehr - Saarland
Duration: 2013
The project aimed at increasing knowledge about the adaptability of enterprises and regional and local governments and stakeholders in the Mazowieckie region in Poland. Adaptability here refers to the need to adjust to social, economic and other external developments, including the use of ICT. For making this knowledge available to local and regional stakeholders in this region, Spatial Foresight identified and analysed good practices of local governments etc. in Germany and other European countries.
Client: MGG Conferences
Duration: March 2014 - October 2014
The preparation of the operational programmes for the next period of the Structural Funds 2014-2020 was underway. Spatial Foresight conducted the ex-ante evaluation for the Thuringian ERDF programme. The evaluation included all ex-ante evaluation elements as proposed by the European Commission - especially the evaluation of the programme strategy, indicators, monitoring, financial allocation, contribution to the EU2020 Strategy as well as the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The project was conducted in collaboration with EureConsult, Metis and PRAC.
Duration: 2012-2013
The preparation of the operational programmes for the next period of the Structural Funds 2014-2020 was underway. Spatial Foresight was involved in the ex-ante evaluation for the ERDF programme of the autonomous province of South Tyrol (IT). The evaluation included all ex-ante evaluation elements as proposed by the European Commission - especially the evaluation of the programme strategy, indicators, monitoring, financial allocation, contribution to the EU2020 Strategy as well as the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The project was conducted in collaboration with t33 (lead partner) and Archidata.
Client: Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano - Alto Adige / Autonome Provinz Bozen - Suedtirol and t33
Duration: 2013-2014
The Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development wanted to explore how findings and methodologies from the ESPON 2006 and 2013 programmes could inform Norwegian spatial planning and regional policy debates. Spatial Foresight has previously been the Lead Partner of a pre-project whose objective was to review potentially relevant indicators and typologies. Spatial Foresight contributed to the present more detailed analysis of ESPON projects as a subcontactor of the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR).
Client: NIBR
Duration: 2012
The objective of territorial cohesion has obtained new policy relevance as of its inclusion in the Lisbon Treaty. Although the 5th Cohesion Report, published in November 2010, has confirmed this new role, it is not yet decided how the objective of territorial cohesion will affect EU policies. This project aimed to illustrate how the principle of territorial cohesion can be integrated in different EU sector policies. Therefore, EU policies which highly affect cities and regions, such as Regional Policy, Environmental Policy, Transport Policy as well as other relevant policies were considered.
This project analysed different understandings of territorial cohesion in the EU and especially in Germany. Content as well as governance related proposals were made concerning the integration of territorial cohesion in EU policies. The project assisted the BBSR (German Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development) and the BMVBS (German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development) in developing corresponding proposals.
Client: BBSR (German Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development)
Duration: 2010-2012
Europe 2020 needs a territorially differentiated implementation. The overall European targets need to be translated into regionally differentiated targets, in order to ensure that all regions can contribute with their potentials to achieving the overall aim.
This study identified the potentials for territorial differentiated implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy in Germany. It investigated two main aspects of such an approach. Firstly, we researched governance mechanisms used for steering development through agreements on quantifiable target values. Secondly, we conducted a regional analysis of German regions to identify potentials for territorially differentiated targeted values related to the Europe 2020 Strategy. This work comprised also a number of case studies and an open dialogue with various German stakeholders.
The final report can be downloaded at: link
Client: BBSR (German Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development)
Duration: 2011-2012
The scope of the contract concerned the provision of services for the preparation of a Background Report titled “Territorial Cohesion Issues in Europe during the Cyprus Presidency 2012 and beyond” to be used to define the theme(s) of the Cyprus Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second semester of 2012, and more particularly with regard to the coordination by the Government of Cyprus of the intergovernmental cooperation among EU Member States in the field of Territorial Cohesion. In detail the work comprised a background report on territorial cohesion issues in Europe and a shorter report on the territorial state and perspectives of Cyprus within the EU.
Client: Ministry of Interior, Republic of Cyprus
Duration: 2012
Following the adoption of the new Territorial Agenda for Europe under the Hungarian Presidency in the first half of 2011, the Polish Presidency wanted to ensure progress on the implementation. This was tightly linked to the policy debates about Europe's future Cohesion Policy.
In preparation of the work under the Polish EU presidency, the Ministry for Regional Development has brought together a group of external experts to support the work of the Ministry and prepare a background document. Key aspects in the work were the scrutiny of EU cohesion policy and its territorial dimension, a strengthened dialogue with other sector policies, furthering the debate on key territorial cohesion indicators, and the mobilisation of key stakeholders. Spatial Foresight had mainly an advisory role in this work, providing input from the rich experience in other related works.
Client: Polish Ministry of Regional Development
Duration: 2011
The Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development wanted to explore how findings and methodologies from the ESPON 2006 and 2013 programmes could inform Norwegian spatial planning and regional policy debates. The objective of this pre-project was to produce a review of potentially relevant indicators and typologies, which in future, a more comprehensive project would analyse in further detail.
The review was produced by a consortium led by Spatial Foresight, with participation by Nordregio and Eurofutures Finland. It was finalised in June 2011.
Client: Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development (KRD)
Duration: 2011
This project aimed at providing an overview of policy approaches in Germany and France supporting urban sustainable development. This can include innovative solutions for different fields of urban planning, especially transport, environment, management and living conditions. The indication and description of particular important and/or interesting corresponding policies supported VINNOVA's strategic and operational work in the field of sustainable cities in Sweden.
In particular the following questions were answered:
Are there specific centers for research and development for sustainable urban development in Germany or France? Are there good example of centers, programmes or initiatives for the commercialization or for marketing the green tech business?
Client: Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis / SWECO
Duration: 2011
Norwegian regional policies have traditionally focused on peripheral areas and in particular on the challenges facing the northernmost parts of Finnmark and Troms. The Ministry for Local Government and Regional Development has commissioned a study to enquire whether mountain areas of southern Norway could also be the object of targeted measures. The objective was to check whether specific economic and social development conditions can be identified in this part of the country. The research consortium led by the Lillehammer-based research organisation Østlands-forskning, and Spatial Foresight as a partner, was selected to carry out this study on the basis of a competitive bidding process. The first task was to delineate these mountain areas, using criteria such as altitude, slope, ruggedness and possibly vegetation. Their specificities in terms of social and economic performance, access to services and infrastructure endowment have then been considered. Workshops involving stakeholders from the concerned areas were also organised, in view of better incorporating the governance and future development potentials of mountain areas in the analysis. The final report was produced during the summer of 2010.
Client: Norwegian Ministry for Local Government and Regional Development /Østlandsforskning
Duration: 2010
The Swedish management of the ERDF and ESF programmes 2007-2013 has established a continuous evaluation of their management system in order to facilitate organisational learning and reflection. The key questions that were discussed concerned the implementation system, the compliance with EU and national regulations and the effectiveness and efficiency of the programme management.
Duration: 2008-2010
To understand the final results of the ESPON 2006 Programme in a national or regional perspective was not an easy task. The project aimed at analysing the final ESPON results with regard to their picture of the territorial development in Germany and their possible implications for Germany.
Client: German Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR) / Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning (IRS)
Duration: 2007-2008
During 2000 and 2006 various transport projects have been carried out with EU funding. The aim of this project was to study such projects in Sweden, analyse to what degree the work carried out by these Structural Funds and INTERREG projects complemented national Swedish transport policies and to what degree EU funding was used more strategically in the field of transport policies.
Client: Swedish Association of Local Authorities & Regions / SWECO
Duration: 2008
The Polish Ministry of Regional Development was interested to learn from Ireland, UK and Sweden in order to improve the Structural Funds management. The tasks of this project was to provide a review of good practices and innovative solutions in assessing real, longer term effects of regional programmes. Spatial Foresight contributed with the Swedish perspective.
Cient: EUROREG - Warsaw University
Duration: 2008
Various research projects have been carried out in preparation of the application for a final nuclear waste repository in Sweden. The aim of this project was to assist the assessment of these search activities by asking the critical questions.
Client: Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI)
Duration: 2008
The Swedish Institute for Growth Policy studies was carrying out an analysis of the multi-annual budget for the period 2007–2013 and beyond. The aim was to scrutinize the budget, particularly in what way it may contribute to economic growth. Based on existing knowledge, this project iwas intended to suggest steps towards a reform of the EU budget both on short and long term.
Client: Swedish Institute for Growth Policy Studies (ITPS) / SWECO
Duration: 2007
The classical mid-term evaluation has been replaced by an on-going evaluation in the Structural Funds period 2007-2013. The aim of this project was to collect past experience and issues of the current debate in a number of European countries. This information supported the setting up of the evaluation plans and mechanisms for the on-going Structural Funds evaluation in Sweden.
Client: NUTEK the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth / SWECO
Duration: 2007
The municipality of Gothenburg was drawing up a new masterplan, ÖPXX. This project assessed the economic implications of the draft masterplan which has been presented to the public. The impact assessment was based on a methodology which has been developed in the framework of ESPON for territorial impact assessments of EU policies.
Client: Municipality of Gothenburg / SWECO
Duration: 2007
The municipality of Malmö was facing a number of urban and demographic challenges relatd to ongoing transition processes. This project reflected the present challenges and strategies in a wider European perspectives and compared the situation in Malmö to developments in other cities such as Newcastle, Dortmund and Metz.
Client: Municipality of Malmö / SWECO EuroFutures
Duration: 2007