Spatial Foresight is a private consultancy and independent think tank in the area of European territorial policies and research.
Our fields of activity bring together territorial development and policy processes with foresight oriented approaches. Foresight encompasses a range of approaches that combine strategic analysis, prospective forward thinking and process oriented dialogical work. Using these approaches for the processes shaping our territories will facilitate a better understanding of how to best capitalise on territorial development potentials.

Learn more about Spatial Foresight our reason for being, following Japanese concept IKIGAI:
The world NEEDS
The world needs information about territories and development processes to inform
- future-oriented policies that acknowledge territorial diversity;
- policy recommendations that enable evidence-based decision-making;
- defined policy objectives.
We love working for better European policies, by
- advancing the discussions on Europe and its evolution;
- stimulating territorial thinking and future-informed policy advice;
- spreading our project insights to a wider public through our think-tank.
We are GOOD
We are good at combining high academic standards and policy orientation, with our
- easy to understand deliverables and visualisations of complex ideas;
- participation in existing policy debates and inspiration for new ones;
- inter-disciplinary and inter-cultural team that brings together reflective thinking;
Our passion
We are passionate about strengthening every single European territory, by
- continuously learning to sharpen and deepen knowledge and expertise;
- developing our capacity and methods to challenge conventional thinking;
- encouraging sound policies and broad horizons.
Our profession
We consider the past, the present and the future, to
- provide territorial policy support and research, analysis, monitoring and evaluation;
- facilitate processes and training, develop strategies and support capacity building;
- scan and identify trends and developments for territorial foresight.
We provide high quality, tailor-made projects delivered on time, through
- critical quantitative and qualitative analysis and policy-oriented reflections;
- meticulous process design and co-creation;
- proactive cooperation with our partners and clients of different mind-sets and cultures.
Our mission
We aim to make Europe a more just, sustainable and united place, by
- unravelling territorial complexities and diversities;
- combining knowledge from different fields of expertise to offer deeper understanding;
- sparking creativity, out-of-the-box thinking and participative processes.
Our vocation
We make a positive impact by
- recognising different types of territories and their specificities;
- looking across and beyond borders;
- highlighting territorial implications of policies.
We are a multi-national and interdisciplinary team.
Our main office is in Heisdorf (Luxembourg) and we have branch offices in Berlin (Germany) and Paris (France).


12 European projects

9 transnational and cross-border projects

2 national and regional projects
Discussion Papers
Based on insights from various assignments and policy debates, Spatial Foresight team members publish Spatial Foresight Briefs & Illustrations. These very short and focused papers on current themes are easy to access by policy makers and researchers alike.
Spatial Foresight supports the Territorial Thinkers, a small group of leading brains in the field of European territorial policies. Their aim is to expose and explain the inevitability to increase the attention to the territorial dimension of European policies.
Blog & Community
Our blog on territorial future thoughts stimulates forward thinking about spatial development and European integration, with our community on laterlat forsight thinking.

The Spatial Foresight team is actively contributing to the CIPU blog. As a national platform for urban policy and planning in Luxembourg, CIPU aims to elevate awareness of spatial planning on an international scale.
Western Balkan Network on Territorial Governance
Spatial Foresight is member of the Western Balkan Network on Territorial Governance. Network aims at catalysing change that develop and support innovations on better territorial governance for Western Balkan in line with its European Union ambitions.
German Academy for Territorial Development (ARL)
Several Spatial Foresight team members are active in the network of the German Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL). The ARL is a platform promoting co-operation both between theory and practice and among regions.